July 27, 2024
Seven Wonders of the World

New Seven Wonders of the World was just announced, and there are some truly amazing new wonders on the list that are sure to be worth visiting. In fact, if you’re planning any travels over the next few years, you should add these new wonders to your bucket list ASAP! Here’s more information about what you can expect from these incredible attractions as well as where they are located in case you want to get started planning your trip right away!

Seven Wonders of the World

The New Seven Wonders of the World has been revealed! Now that the results are in, we can see what this amazing list looks like. The New Seven Wonders were revealed at the Great Exhibition of the World’s Heritage. Over 100 million votes were cast from over 200 countries around the world, which makes this list truly global! Let’s take a look at the new seven wonders, shall we? The new seven wonders of the world are…(Keep 👇 Reading)

The New Seven Wonders of the World has just been revealed, and this new list of the world’s most amazing landmarks will make you want to jet-set across the globe to see them in person! Spanning from Europe to Asia, and from South America to North America, these new seven wonders will make you see the world in a whole new way. If you’re looking for inspiration for your next vacation, look no further! Take your pick from these destinations and start packing your bags today! (Article Continued👇)

The New Seven Wonders of the World Have Been Revealed

Discovery Channel just released the list of the New Seven Wonders of the World, and I couldn’t be more thrilled! These iconic landmarks, which will replace the old list from 2005, are huge tourist attractions that attract visitors from all over the world, generating thousands of jobs and billions of dollars in revenue. Now that these new wonder locations have been announced, it’s time to start planning your next trip! Here are seven reasons why you should visit these amazing places as soon as possible.

1). Great Wall of China

Great Wall of China

The Great Wall of China is a series of fortifications that were built across the historical northern borders of ancient Chinese states and Imperial China as protection against various nomadic groups from the Eurasian Steppe. Apart from defense, other purposes of the Great Wall have included border controls, allowing the imposition of duties on goods transported along the Silk Road, regulation or encouragement of trade, and the control of immigration and emigration.

Work began in the 7th century BCE and continued for two millennia. Although called a “wall,” the structure actually features two parallel walls for lengthy stretches. In addition, watchtowers and barracks dot the bulwark. One not-so-great thing about the wall, however, was its effectiveness. Although it was built to prevent invasions and raids, the wall largely failed to provide actual security. Instead, scholars have noted that it served more as “political propaganda.”

The frontier walls built by different dynasties have multiple courses. Collectively, they stretch from Liaodong in the east to Lop Lake in the west, from the present-day Sino–Russian border in the north to Tao River in the south; along an arc that roughly delineates the edge of the Mongolian steppe; spanning 21,196.18 km in total. Today, the defensive system of the Great Wall is generally recognized as one of the most impressive architectural feats in history.

2). Petra


The ancient city of Petra, Jordan, is located in a remote valley, nestled among sandstone mountains and cliffs. It was purported to be one of the places where Moses struck a rock and water gushed forth. Later the Nabataeans, an Arab tribe, made it their capital, and during this time it flourished, becoming an important trade center, especially for spices. Noted carvers, the Nabataeans chiseled dwellings, temples, and tombs into the sandstone, which changed color with the shifting sun. Petra is a famous archaeological site in Jordan’s southwestern desert. Dating to around 300 B.C., it was the capital of the Nabatean Kingdom. Accessed via a narrow canyon called Al Siq, it contains tombs and temples carved into pink sandstone cliffs, earning its nickname, the “Rose City.” Perhaps its most famous structure is 45m-high Al Khazneh, a temple with an ornate, Greek-style facade, and known as The Treasury.

In addition, they constructed a water system that allowed for lush gardens and farming. At its height, Petra reportedly had a population of 30,000. The city began to decline, however, as trade routes shifted. A major earthquake in 363 CE caused more difficulty, and after another tremor hit in 551, Petra was gradually abandoned. Although rediscovered in 1912, it was largely ignored by archaeologists until the late 20th century, and many questions remain about the city.

3). Christ the Redeemer

Christ the Redeemer

Christ the Redeemer, a colossal statue of Jesus, stands atop Mount Corcovado in Rio de Janeiro. Its origins date to just after World War I, when some Brazilians feared a “tide of godlessness.” They proposed a statue, which was ultimately designed by Heitor da Silva Costa, Carlos Oswald, and Paul Landowski. Construction began in 1926 and was completed five years later. What makes Christ the Redeemer so special? Like Jesus Christ, the statue protects the urban environment, like a roof over your head. Cristo Redentor is as important as any shelter. Christ the Redeemer provides protection for the soul. The Christ the Redeemer statue was designed by Brazilian engineer and architect Heitor da Silva Costa.

Christ the Redeemer (Cristo Redentor) is a 30-meter-high statue, mounted upon an 8-meter pedestal, and of course the 700-meter high mountain of Corcovado. It was constructed between 1922 and 1931 from soapstone and reinforced concrete. Today it is a Brazilian cultural icon and a global symbol of Christianity. Christ the Redeemer is made of reinforced concrete and is covered in approximately six million tiles. Somewhat disconcertingly, the statue has often been struck by lightning, and in 2014 the tip of Jesus’s right thumb was damaged during a storm.

4). Chichén Itzá

Chichén Itzá

Chichén Itzá is a Mayan city on the Yucatán Peninsula in Mexico, which flourished in the 9th and 10th centuries CE. Under the Mayan tribe Itzá—who was strongly influenced by the Toltecs—a number of important monuments and temples were built. At its peak, Chichen Itza was the most populous city in the entire Yucatan Peninsula. Even today, its ruins reflect a great civilization filled with architectural marvels and ancient secrets.

Chichen Itza has several zones or “complexes” that reflect different architectural styles are periods of development. A testament to the Mayans’ astronomical abilities, the structure features a total of 365 steps, the number of days in the solar year. During the spring and autumnal equinoxes, the setting sun casts shadows on the pyramid that give the appearance of a serpent slithering down the north stairway; at the base is a stone snakehead. Life there was not all work and science, however. Chichén Itzá is home to the largest tlachtli (a type of sporting field) in the Americas. On that field, the residents played a ritual ball game popular throughout pre-Columbian Mesoamerica.

What are 4 facts about Chichen Itza?

  • This famous Mayan site may not be entirely Mayan.
  • Chichen Itza gets its name from a cenote nearby.
  • The main pyramid nests multiple smaller pyramids inside it.
  • The monuments of Chichen Itza were astronomically aligned.

5). Machu Picchu

Machu Picchu

Machu Picchu is an Incan citadel set high in the Andes Mountains in Peru, above the Urubamba River valley. Built in the 15th century and later abandoned, it’s renowned for its sophisticated dry-stone walls that fuse huge blocks without the use of mortar, intriguing buildings that play on astronomical alignments, and panoramic views. Its exact former use remains a mystery.

This Incan site near Cuzco, Peru, was “discovered” in 1911 by Hiram Bingham, who believed it was Vilcabamba, a secret Incan stronghold used during the 16th-century rebellion against Spanish rule. Although that claim was later disproved, the purpose of Machu Picchu has confounded scholars. Bingham believed it was home to the “Virgins of the Sun,” women who lived in convents under a vow of chastity. Others think that it was likely a pilgrimage site, while some believe it was a royal retreat.

What is Machu Picchu famous for? More than 7,000 feet above sea level in the Andes Mountains, Machu Picchu is the most visited tourist destination in Peru. A symbol of the Incan Empire and built around 1450AD, Machu Picchu was designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1983 and was named one of the New Seven Wonders of the World in 2007.

Discover the 5 secret facts of Machu Picchu:

  • Machu Picchu was built by Inca Pachacuti.
  • It was abandoned after the Spanish Invasion.
  • Machu Picchu was never lost.
  • It was not Discovered by Hiram Bingham.
  • Hiram Bigham is the scientific Discoverer of Machu Picchu.

6). Taj Mahal

Taj Mahal

The Taj Mahal was built as a tomb for Mumtaz Mahal (“Chosen One of the Palace”) by her husband, the Mughal emperor Shah Jahān (reigned 1628–58). She died in childbirth in 1631, after having been the emperor’s inseparable companion since their marriage in 1612. It took about 22 years and 20,000 workers to construct the complex, which includes an immense garden with a reflecting pool. The mausoleum is made of white marble that features semiprecious stones in geometric and floral patterns.

Its majestic central dome is surrounded by four smaller domes. According to some reports, Shah Jahān wished to have his own mausoleum made out of black marble. However, he was deposed by one of his sons before any work began. What is so special about the Taj Mahal? It is a masterpiece of architectural style in conception, treatment, and execution and has unique aesthetic qualities in balance, symmetry, and harmonious blending of various elements. Integrity is maintained in the intactness of the tomb, mosque, guest house, main gate, and the whole Taj Mahal complex.

7). Colosseum


The Colosseum in Rome was built in the first century by the order of Emperor Vespasian. A feat of engineering, the amphitheater measures 620 by 513 feet (189 by 156 meters) and features a complex system of vaults. It was capable of holding 50,000 spectators, who watched a variety of events. Perhaps most notable were gladiator fights, though men battling animals was also common. In addition, water was sometimes pumped into the Colosseum for mock naval engagements.

What is Colosseum famous for? The Colosseum is famous because it is the origin of gladiator battles that took place during the time of the Roman Empire. Moreover, Dion Cassius claimed that 9000 wild animals were killed in the one hundred days of celebrations that inaugurated the amphitheater.

5 Fun facts about the Colosseum:

  • The Colosseum is over 1,900 years old.
  • Gladiatorial shows took place at the Colosseum.
  • The Colosseum is famous for being the world’s largest amphitheater.
  • You can see a section of the arena that was once underground.
  • It’s one of the New 7 Wonders of the World.

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In Conclusion

We have been waiting on edge for a whole year now, and it is finally time: Today, we’ll be finding out which new seven wonders of the world will take their place beside our most cherished wonders. Can you believe it? There are new wonders in town! These new man-made marvels have beaten out some serious competition after months of debate and research. Even though they won’t have those iconic statues or quite as much history as some others on our list, these modern additions are sure to stand up against even some of history’s most beloved sites.

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It’s going to be interesting to see which new sites make their way onto our list. We don’t know who exactly was voting for which site, but I for one can’t wait for them all to be revealed today. I personally voted for the Great Wall of China and can’t wait until it’s officially a wonder of the world! Even though these new wonders are spectacular, nothing will ever beat the Great Wall of China, so my vote is still with it!

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