October 21, 2024
Water Benefits

Water as one of the source of good life which helps neutralize the body and keeps the body very active. There are many water benefits that will help you control some health challenges today.

Water Benefits

However, on this page we are going to learn more about water and it’s benefit. We are going to guide you guy on the best step on how important water is to human health. Meanwhile, we will as well list you some of the reason.

Tips About Water Benefits

In several occasions, I normally finds it so hard when we were younger and we are being force to take water first in the morning. Yes the reason is simply because we don’t see taking of water as a necessity to the body.

But today after so many research about water,

it is now very mandatory for myself to take one or two cups of water each morning before breakfast.

Today with the research I have made you will know the health reasons and why you should live by taking water regularly.

Benefits of drinking water

Water keeps every system in the body functioning properly. The Harvard Medical School Special Health Report 6-Week Plan for Health Eating notes that water has many important jobs, such as:

  • carrying nutrients and oxygen to your cells
  • flushing bacteria from your bladder
  • aiding digestion
  • preventing constipation
  • normalizing blood pressure
  • stabilizing the heartbeat
  • cushioning joints
  • protecting organs and tissues
  • regulating body temperature
  • maintaining electrolyte (sodium) balance.


Water is an inorganic and tasteless liquid something taken when thirsty. This is an inorganic, transparent, tasteless, odorless, and nearly colorless chemical substance, which is the main constituent of Earth’s hydrosphere and the fluids of all known living organisms. It is vital for all known forms of life, even though it provides no calories or organic nutrients.

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Water has 4 regions of electron density around the central oxygen atom (2 bonds and 2 lone pairs). These are arranged in a tetrahedral shape. The resulting molecular shape is bent with an H-O-H angle of 104.5°. water, a substance composed of the chemical elements hydrogen and oxygen and existing in gaseous, liquid, and solid states. It is one of the most plentiful and essential of compounds. A tasteless and odorless liquid at room temperature, it has the important ability to dissolve many other substances.

The Seven Types of Water

  1. Tap Water.
  2. Mineral Water
  3. Spring Water.
  4. Well-water.
  5. Purified Water.
  6. Distilled Water.
  7. Sparkling water.
  8. Alkaline water.

Tap Water

It is also known as faucet water, running water, or municipal water is water supplied through a tap, a water dispenser valve. Tap water is commonly used for drinking, cooking, washing, and toilet flushing. In many countries, tap water is often associated with drinking water.

In most parts of the United States and Canada, it’s safe to drink tap water from public water systems. Tap water that’s been properly filtered is equally safe as bottled water and provides you with essential minerals you may not get from bottled water.

Mineral Water

It is define as water from a mineral spring that contains various minerals, such as salts and sulfur compounds. Mineral water may usually be still or sparkling according to the presence or absence of added gases.

Mineral water comes from underground reservoirs. Unlike regular drinking water, mineral water does not undergo chemical processing. As the name suggests, mineral water contains high quantities of minerals, especially magnesium, calcium, and sodium.

The results showed that mineral water intake lowered the levels of bad (LDL) cholesterol and raised the levels of good (HDL) cholesterol. Because high cholesterol increases your risk of heart disease and other conditions, mineral water helps keep your heart healthy and working properly.

Spring Water

A spring is the result of an aquifer being filled to the point that the water overflows onto the land surface. They range in size from intermittent seeps, which flow only after much rain, to huge pools flowing hundreds of millions of gallons daily.

A spring is a point at which water flows from an aquifer to the Earth’s surface. It is a component of the hydrosphere. Springs have long been important for humans as a source of water, especially in arid regions which have relatively little annual rainfall.

How do you get spring water?

Use a topographical map or personally survey the land to determine points where a spring may emerge. Springs are naturally occurring sources of water that originate underground and flow to the surface. Spring water may emerge from the ground at a specific point or seep from a large area through the soil.


The well water is drawn up by a pump, or using containers, such as buckets, that are raised mechanically or by hand. It can also be inject back into the aquifer through the well. Deeper wells can be excavate by hand drilling methods or machine drilling, using a bit in a borehole.

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A well is an excavation or structure created in the ground by digging, driving, or drilling to access liquid resources, usually water. The oldest and most common kind of well is a water well, to access groundwater in underground aquifers. Water is unquestionably the best thing to drink for your body. Without the right amount of water, your brain doesn’t function as well and your body doesn’t burn calories efficiently. Municipal water is generally safe to drink. However, because of greater sodium content, well water often makes a better choice.

Purified Water

Purified water is water that has been filtered or processed to remove impurities like chemicals and other contaminants. It is usually produced using groundwater or tap water. Through purification, many types of impurities are remove, including Bacteria.

Purified water is water that has been mechanically filtered or processed to remove impurities and make it suitable for use. It was formerly, the most common form of purified water, but, in recent years, water is more frequently purified by other processes including capacitive deionization, reverse osmosis, carbon filtering, microfiltration, ultrafiltration, ultraviolet oxidation, or electro deionization.

Distilled Water

Distilled water is a type of purified water that has had both contaminants and minerals removed. Distillation boils the water, and then condenses the steam back into a liquid to remove impurities and minerals. Deionization removes salt and other mineral ions (molecules) from water.

How do I make distilled water?

The process of distilling is simple. Heat tap water to the point that it turns to vapor. When the vapor condenses back to water, it leaves behind any mineral residue. The resulting condense liquid is distill water. Distilled water is safe to drink. But you’ll probably find it flat or bland. That’s because it’s stripped of important minerals like calcium, sodium, and magnesium that give tap water its familiar flavor. What’s left is just hydrogen and oxygen and nothing else.

Sparkling water

Carbonated water is water containing dissolved carbon dioxide gas, either artificially injected under pressure or occurring due to natural geological processes. Carbonation causes small bubbles to form, giving the water an effervescent quality. Drinking sparkling water can help stave off dehydration. If you’re dehydrate, you may experience dry mouth, fatigue, headache, and impair performance. Chronic dehydration could contribute to digestive issues and complications with the heart and kidneys. Sparkling water is just as hydrating as still water.

Alkaline water

Alkaline water enthusiasts claim that its increased hydrogen provides greater hydration than regular water, especially after a hard workout. Fans of the stuff also say that regular drinking water with a pH below 7 creates too much acid in your blood and cells.

Drinking a bottle of alkaline water every other day won’t significantly affect your body. However, if you drink a gallon of alkaline water daily, your body has to work hard to maintain its pH and that means that over time, your body will produce more gastric juices and digestive enzymes.

Health Water Benefits

For the human body to function properly, Both the Cells and Organs need water to survive.

  1. Water Prevents kidney from damaging: A research has made it know that when not taking water regularly it could lead to kidney stone and some other problems, frequent dehydration can damage the kidney completely.
  2. Good looking and healthy body: Drinking enough and neat water can help combats skin disorders, like wrinkle, eczema, pimples and lots more.
  3. Controls the digesting system: When taken more water it helps the digesting system to work properly. Dehydration can lead to constipation and heartburn.
  4. Weight loss: Regular consuming of water helps reduces the body weight by flushing out some fatty substances in the body. Taking water before meal is another way to control weight loss because it makes you feel more satisfied and eat less.
  5. Boost brain function: A study has shown that dehydration can have adverse effect in the memory and feelings.
  6. Maintain blood pressure: Lack of water can make the blood gets thicker,

this situation can increase the chance of having a higher blood pressure.


Here are still list of Articles which will help you to gain a healthy lifestyle today:

  • World Health Organization Career(Job) – Prevention and Symptoms of Corona Virus
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  • Herbal Medicine Cabinet – How to make Natural Medicine Cabinet

  • Wrapping Up on Eating Right to balance on your Diet today

  • Great Sources for Seeds and Plants – The best of Herbs selection

  • Tips to Make and Maintain Skin Glow

  • The Basic 6 Things you should Never do After Eating

  • The Best Morning Food you Should Eat Daily

In Conclusion

Here are more list of benefits of drinking water:

  • It lubricates the joints.
  • It forms saliva and mucus.
  • Easily boosts skin health and beauty.
  • It cushions the brain, spinal cord, and other sensitive tissues.
  • It regulates body temperature.
  • H2O flushes body waste.
  • It helps maintain blood pressure.
  • The airways need it.

However, there are still lots of On going healthy Lifestyles which you can read Here and More you should Consult your Doctor for more details before practicing. (List of Healthy Lifestyle Tips)

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