July 26, 2024
Pre-Employment Screening Tests

Pre-Employment Screening Tests is an examination given to job candidates by a potential employer prior to hiring. The purpose of these types of tests is to determine personality traits and characteristics, cognitive abilities, job knowledge, and skills, as well as behaviors.

Pre-Employment Screening Tests

However, in this particular article, we are going to be listing and explaining the pre-employment screening test for you. This was an offer by our expert TestGorilla for you to apply with us.

We Rank Your Applicants According to Test Scores Certified by Our Experts TestGorilla. They make hiring the best people easy and unbiased, offering screening tests at an affordable price. Using TestGorilla, our customers save valuable time, make hiring decisions objectively, and avoid expensive mis-hires.

Pre-Employment Screening Tests @ Experts TestGorilla

TestGorilla provides you with the best tools to screen your candidates so you can make better hiring decisions faster. Using multiple test types in an assessment gives the best predictive value, so we have a growing test library that includes: cognitive ability tests, programming tests, software skill tests, personality tests, culture add tests, language tests, and much more.

Pre-employment tests are an objective, standardized way of gathering data on candidates during the hiring process. All professionally developed, well-validated pre-employment tests have one thing in common: they are an efficient and reliable means of gaining insights into the capabilities and traits of prospective employees. Depending on the type of test being used, pre-employment assessments can provide relevant information on a job applicant’s ability to perform in the workplace.

Pre-employment tests have become increasingly popular in recent years as a way to filter and manage large applicant pools. The Internet has made it easier than ever for job-seekers to apply for jobs– one study estimates that, on average, a whopping 250 resumes are submitted for every corporate job opening.

Some job-seekers

Some job-seekers, known as “resume spammers,” distribute their resumes across the web in blasts, with little regard to required qualifications or job fit. With applicants spending just an average of 76.7 seconds reading each job description, it is unsurprising that recruiters report that over 50% of job applicants do not meet the basic qualifications of the job. As a result, most hiring managers don’t have the bandwidth to thoroughly review every candidate’s application, with recruiters reportedly spending an average of just 6.25 seconds reading each resume.

In this environment, pre-employment tests can provide tremendous value for organizations seeking to find the right talent. By adding pre-employment assessments to the candidate selection process, companies of all sizes can get a better handle on the vast pool of candidates applying to open positions. And while technology may be responsible for the increase in applications, it also provides an answer, by making it much simpler to integrate pre-employment testing into the hiring process.

Why do employers use pre-employment testing?

Employers have many reasons to use pre-employment testing, including:

  • To accelerate the hiring process

Employers may use these tests to quickly narrow down the number of applicants they’re trying to hire, especially if they have a lot of resumes to sort through.

  • To test an applicant’s skills

Employers give pre-employment tests to see if your skills match the requirements within the job description. For example, if an employer is hiring for a copywriter position, they might administer a writing test to find out if your skills match their expectations. An employer may decrease their company’s turnover rate if they hire someone who passes a skills test because it shows how an applicant can apply their knowledge.

  • To increase the quality of interviews

By gathering sufficient data on applicants, employers can use the results from the test to ask you specific questions related to your skills and work experience.

7 types of pre-employment tests

Here are some pre-employment tests you can prepare to take the next time you apply for a job:

  1. Job knowledge tests
  2. Integrity tests
  3. Cognitive ability tests
  4. Personality tests
  5. Emotional intelligence tests
  6. Skills assessment tests
  7. Physical ability tests

1. Job knowledge tests

Employers give job knowledge tests to identify your knowledge about the job you’re applying for. For instance, if your prospective employer is hiring a managerial accountant, you might receive a job knowledge test on the employer’s internal accounting processes. Getting tested on specific job elements helps determine if you can apply the expertise you earned from previous accounting positions. Ask the hiring manager about the subject matter of the test and read the questions thoroughly to improve your chances of passing it.

Job knowledge tests, sometimes referred to as achievement or mastery tests, typically consist of questions designed to assess technical or professional expertise in specific knowledge areas. Job knowledge tests are often constructed on the basis of an analysis of the tasks that make up the job.

2. Integrity tests

Integrity tests are one of the most objective tests employers can administer, and they help measure the reliability of applicants. Employers gear the questions to the degree of integrity and ethical guidance you have when encountering certain situations in the workplace.

Your integrity may prove that you’re a match for the employer’s culture and show you can work well with coworkers. Answer these questions honestly to give the employer an accurate description of the type of employee you’ll be if you’re hired for the position.

Some questions an employer may ask on an integrity test include:

  • Do you have the same core values inside and outside of the workplace?
  • How would you act if a manager or a coworker gave you a task that violates company policy?
  • Is it ethical to publish work samples on your website?
  • Have you lied to your manager in a previous role?
  • If a client asks you to do something illegal, do you do it?

3. Cognitive ability tests

Cognitive ability tests ask questions about your mental capacity to work in a position. The answers you provide help employers predict your job performance since they’ll then know more about how you handle complexity. One of the common cognitive ability tests is the General Aptitude Test (GAT), which highlights your ability to use logical, verbal, and numeric reasoning to approach tasks. Take practice tests to prepare yourself for potential questions and answers you’ll see on your test.

Cognitive ability tests assess abilities involved in thinking (e.g., reasoning, perception, memory, verbal and mathematical ability, and problem-solving). Such tests pose questions designed to estimate applicants’ potential to use mental processes to solve work-related problems or to acquire new job knowledge.

4. Personality tests

Personality tests indicate to employers if you fit within the company’s culture. And if your personality leads to an increase in productivity. Test results might help employers evaluate your engagement level. And if they think you’re interested in a long-term career with the organization. Review the different types of personality tests to understand the format and the questions asked so you can properly represent your personality to employers.

Some pre-employment personality tests you might take include:

  • The Caliper Profile
  • The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator
  • The SHL Occupational Personality Questionaire
  • The Hogan Personality Inventory (HPI)
  • The DiSC Behavioral Inventory
  • Read more: Personality Assessments for Jobs

5. Emotional intelligence tests

Emotional intelligence tests analyze your relationship-building skills and your knowledge of emotions. Having high emotional intelligence shows how you can defuse conflicts and relieve the anxiety of coworkers if they’re frustrated or disappointed. Some employers may use the Berke assessment to review the range of your emotional skills to see they fit for the position you applied for.

A few skills that can be revealed during your emotional intelligence test include:

  • Teamwork

Employees with teamwork skills can succeed if they can collaborate with coworkers of different backgrounds and personalities. By working with your team, you have a better chance of accomplishing your goals and getting a promotion to a high-level role.

  • Adaptability

Adaptability displays how you can change to meet the current demands of your company. For instance, if you’re a project manager and a client needs to alter the deadline of a project, you need to reprioritize your tasks to meet their expectations.

  • Empathy

Empathy is the way you understand the feelings of others in a given situation. This trait underscores that you’re compassionate and willing to help coworkers improve their mindset and achieve their goals.

6. Skills assessment tests

Skills assessment tests overview your soft and hard skills. Employers test for these skills once they’re in the later stage of the hiring process to understand who they might want to hire. For example, if an employer wants to hire you for a public relations coordinator position. They might administer a writing test to see how many words you type per minute. If you can write newsworthy content within a given timeline. And how well you proofread your content before submission.

Additional skills assessment tests may require you to demonstrate your research skills, presentation. Or leadership skills to advance in the hiring process.

7. Physical ability tests

Physical ability tests feature your strength and stamina. They also reveal if you’re capable of performing in roles that require physical work, like a firefighter or a police officer.

Testing for physical competencies adds another step to the hiring process for employers so they reduce the chances of workplace accidents in addition to finding a qualified candidate.

How Widespread is Pre-Employment Testing?

The use of pre-employment testing has grown dramatically in recent years. With applicant pools on the rise due to the ease of applying online, hiring managers and recruiters are starting to rely more on data-driven talent management practices that streamline the hiring process. According to surveys done by the American Management Association (AMA), the use of pre-employment testing has been growing steadily in the past fifteen years.

The AMA’s data revealed that:

  • 70% of employers did some sort of job skill testing
  • 46% of employers use personality and/or psychological tests on applicants or current employees
  • 41% of employers test applicants for basic literacy and math skills

In Conclusion

However, if there is anything you think we are missing. Don’t hesitate to inform us by dropping your advice in the comment section.

Either way, let me know by leaving a comment below!

Read More: You can find more here https://www.poptalkz.com/.

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