July 27, 2024
Global Korea Scholarship Program

Global Korea Scholarship Program: The Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD), Government of India in collaboration with the Government of the Republic of Korea invites applications for the Korean Government Scholarship Program (KGSP) 2022 from bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral degree holders.

Global Korea Scholarship Program

However, you can study in Korea for free by getting SNU scholarships. After admission, a student may opt to apply for the Glo-Harmony Scholarship, which is open to students from developing countries. Apart from covering full tuition fees, it also comes with a living expense allowance of 600,000 KRW.

Aspiring students will require a study visa to study in South Korea. D-2 Visa for Regular Educational Program – this visa is for any student enrolling in Bachelors, master, or Ph. D. programs and the visa application process takes up to a minimum of 10 days to get finished.

Global Korea Scholarship Program

Finally, it’s time for the announcement that the applications for the Korean Government Scholarships 2022 are now open. The Global Korea Scholarship 2022 for Undergraduate, Masters, and Ph.D. Degree Programs. Meanwhile, all the Expenses are covered under this Program. The GKS Scholarship was Previously Known as the Korean Government Scholarship. In 2022, the GKS Korean Government’s Global Korea Scholarship Program aims to Invite 1,378 International Students to Study Full-Time, Bachelor’s, Master’s, and Ph.D. Degree Programs.

There is No Application Fee Required for the GKS Scholarship. You can Study in South Korea Without IELTS. There are many South Korea Scholarships Without IELTS. Therefore, the Global Korea Scholarship is a Fully Funded all-expense covered Scholarship. All Participants from all around the world are eligible to apply for the GKS Korean Government Scholarship. This is one of the Top Scholarship Programs.

A Wide Range of Academic Fields is available. All the Korean Universities are Participating In this Scholarship Program. The Call is Open and You can Apply Now. The South Korean Scholarship is one of the most competitive and top scholarship programs in the world. The detailed information about the Global Korean Government Scholarships 2022 is given below.

Details About Korean Government Scholarship 2022

  • Country: South Korea
  • Course Level: Undergraduate, Master’s or Doctoral or Research
  • Financial Coverage: Fully Funded
  • Deadline: Varies from Country to Country

About the Scholarship

  • Purpose:

To provide international students with opportunities to conduct advanced studies in undergraduate & graduate programs at higher educational institutions in the Republic of Korea in order to promote international exchanges in education and mutual friendship between countries.

  • Available Options in Universities

Undergraduate course: 4-year courses at designated universities
Transferring between universities is not allowed. (e.g. Starting studies in the junior year is not allowed.)
Graduate course: Master’s or Ph.D. courses at general graduate schools of Korean universities

  • Number of participants

220 undergraduate, 1,080 graduates students (subject to change with any change depending on budget)

  • Korea Language Training

Grantees are required to take Korean language training courses for 1 year at a language institution located on-campus of the domestic universities. (Those who have attained a Korean language fluency score higher than level 5 in TOPIK are exempt from this requirement.)

Scholarship Coverage

Korean Government Scholarship which is now called the Global Korea Scholarship is a Fully Funded Scholarship in Korea for international students. All the expenses will be covered by the Korean Government.

  • Round Airfare Tickets
  • Resettlement Allowance (KRW 200,000)
  • Living Allowance (KRW 900,000)
  • Medical Insurance (KRW 20,000)
  • Language Courses
  • Full Tuition Fees
  • Award for Excellent Korean Language Proficiency
  • Research Support (KRW 210,000 – 240,000)
  • Printing Costs (Dissertation) (KRW 500,000 – 800,000)
  • Completion Grant

Scholarship Duration

  • Doctoral Degree Program: 4 years
  • 1 year of the Korean language program
  • 3 years of the regular degree program
  • Master’s Degree Program: 3 years
  • 1 year of the Korean language program
  • 2 years of a degree program
  • Research Program: 6 Months

Eligibility Criteria


  • All applicants and their parents must not hold Korean citizenship.
  • Korean citizens and dual citizenship holders (one who has Korean citizenship and citizenship of another country) are NOT eligible to apply.

Degree Requirements:

  • Applicants must hold or must be expected to hold a Bachelor’s Degree to be enrolled in a Master’s Program OR hold a Master’s Degree to be enrolled in Ph.D. Degree Program.
  • Research Program Applicants: Must hold a degree or a level of education equivalent to or higher than a Master’s degree and must have received an invitation from one of NIIED’s
    designated Korean universities.
  • Postdoctoral Research Program: Must hold a doctoral degree or a level of education equivalent to a doctoral degree.
  • Applicants who are expected to graduate at the time of applying must first submit the certificate of expected graduation at the time of applying.
    English Language Requirements/Certificate.

How to Apply

  • The Applicants Need to Fill and Complete the Online Application Form.
  • Read the updated 2022 Scholarship Application Guidelines here
  • To Apply, Please Visit here

Government Of Korea

The Government of South Korea is a centralized democratic republic with the three primary branches of government; executive, legislative and judicial. The president acts at the head of state and is the highest figure of authority in the country, followed by the prime minister and government ministers in decreasing order.

The Executive and Legislative branches operate primarily at the national level, although various ministries in the executive branch also carry out local functions. Local governments are semi-autonomous and contain executive and legislative bodies of their own. The judicial branch operates at both the national and local levels. The South Korean government’s structure is determined by the Constitution of the Republic of Korea.

This document has been revised several times since its first promulgation in 1948 (for details, see History of South Korea). However, it has retained many broad characteristics; with the exception of the short-lived Second Republic of South Korea, the country has always had a relatively independent chief executive in the form of a president.

As with most stable three-branch systems, a careful system of checks and balances is in place. For instance, the judges of the Constitutional Court are partially appointed by the executive, and partially by the legislature. Likewise, when a resolution of impeachment is passed by the legislature, it is sent to the judiciary for a final decision.

Local governments

Local autonomy was established as a constitutional principle of South Korea beginning with the First Republic. However, for much of the 20th century this principle was not honored. From 1965 to 1995, local governments were run directly by provincial governments, which in turn were run directly by the national government.

However, since the elections of 1995, a degree of local autonomy has been restored. Local magistrates and assemblies are elected in each of the primary and secondary administrative divisions of South Korea, that is, in every province, metropolitan or special city, and district. Officials at lower levels, such as eup and dong, are appointed by the city or county government.

Meanwhile, as noted above, local autonomy does not extend to the judicial branch. It also does not yet extend to many other areas, including fire protection and education, which are managed by independent national agencies. Local governments also have very limited policy-making authority; generally, the most that they can do is decide how national policies will be implemented. However, there is some political pressure for the scope of local autonomy to be extended.

Although the chief executive of each district is locally elected, deputy executives are still appointed by the central government. It is these deputy officials who have detailed authority over most administrative matters. Apply Now

In Conclusion

However, if there is anything you think we are missing. Don’t hesitate to inform us by dropping your advice in the comment section.

Either way, let me know by leaving a comment below!

Read More: You can find more here https://www.poptalkz.com/.

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