July 21, 2024
Two New Canada Research Chairs

Two New Canada Research Chairs (CRC) and two renewals have been awarded by the Minister of Science. As announced in an email from the office of the Minister of Science, dated June 22. With the following names Continue Reading…

Two New Canada Research Chairs

I am pleased to announce the appointments of two new Canada Research Chairs. And two renewals for the period beginning July 1, 2022, through June 30, 2027. This brings the total number of Canadian Research Chairs at Queen’s to 68. Including one Chair held jointly with Queen’s and other institutions.

These 10 appointments demonstrate Queen’s commitment to supporting world-class research excellence in the School of Computing. Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science, and the School of Business. Faculty of Arts & Science while continuing to foster diversity in research excellence on campus.

Chairman of the Canada Research Chairs (CRC) program, Dr. Robert Birgeneau, announced today that two new Canada Research Chairs have been appointed. And two renewals of existing CRCs have been awarded. The new CRC holders and the CRC renewals are from diverse fields, including neuroscience, immunology, infectious diseases, applied mathematics, and photonics, said Dr.

Canada is Leading the Way

Investing in science research, technology and innovation is a key part of our government’s plan to build a better, more competitive economy for all Canadians. Investing in ideas and talent creates new jobs, keeps Canada competitive on the world stage, and increases our ability to attract foreign investment.

We’re putting new resources behind these investments by dedicating $3.8 billion over five years (2016–2019) to support world-class discovery at Canadian universities through tri-council granting agencies. This investment will create 2,000 research chairs across all fields of study at post-secondary institutions across Canada.

A Global Environment

With an ever-growing focus on sustainability, even within our own cities, Canadian universities have already started developing green spaces for students to enjoy. Research from several universities across North America has shown that spending time outdoors can help relieve stress and improve concentration. University campuses are leading by example when it comes to building green spaces for students; Western University has invested $150 million into a project designed to transform part of its campus into a sustainable neighborhood.

Located just outside London’s downtown core, Western will now house 1,300 housing units (most of which will be occupied by students), shops, restaurants, and offices. All buildings feature green roofs or terraces filled with trees and native plants — so important for improving air quality — as well as electric car charging stations.

A Changing Landscape of Education and Technology

The global landscape of education has changed significantly, with technology playing a major role. You can’t walk into a classroom without seeing laptops, tablet computers, or smartphones being used as educational tools. This shift in technology is likely to lead to a change in learning, especially when it comes to research; students need access to information quickly and easily for their projects, papers, or other academic assignments.

With increased connectivity across borders, students have more sources of information at their fingertips than ever before. Students also have access to jobs that didn’t exist before—so they can find work and help support themselves while they earn their degrees online. While all of these changes are exciting for young people starting out, how do universities maintain quality control?

A Call for Social Cohesion

The excellence of our research institutions must be complemented by a sense of social cohesion. Universities are better equipped to foster tolerance, inclusion, diversity, open-mindedness, and critical thinking if they themselves reflect these values. For example, each year McGill welcomes more than 9,000 international students from more than 100 countries around the world to its campus; 1 in 5 McGill undergraduates is an international student.

We welcome them not only because their enrollment contributes tens of millions of dollars every year towards our research activities but also because we believe that diversity enriches us all – intellectually as well as socially. It is my hope that many other universities will emulate our lead on these issues. This will ultimately strengthen Canada’s position as a global leader in research excellence and innovation over the coming decades.

The University of Alberta Wins 2 Chair Appointments

The University of Alberta has had two new faculty appointed to Canada research chairs in their respective fields. Both Robert Gifford and Jean-François Gagnon will begin their positions as Canada research chairs on July 1, 2017. Each researcher will receive $200,000 per year over five years, totaling $1 million each. Gifford will be a chair of excellence on disinformation, misinformation, and propaganda in online media; while his counterpart Gagnon will focus on health services delivery through simulation-based medical education models.

Robert Gifford is an assistant professor of communications at Carleton University who researches digital communication ethics; Jean-François is an associate professor at Université de Montréal whose work focuses on computerized training simulators for healthcare professionals…

The new Canada Research Chairs are:

  • Olufemi Ayeni, professor of orthopedic surgery, is the Canada Research Chair in Joint Preservation Surgery (Tier 2). He is considered a leading authority in joint preservation care and his research is focused on the prevention of joint injuries in adolescence; minimally invasive surgical treatments to curb the development of degenerative joint diseases like osteoarthritis in young adults.
  • Lori Burrows, professor of biochemistry and biomedical sciences, is the new Canada Research Chair in Microbe-Surface Interactions (Tier 1). Burrows’ research focuses on the superbug Pseudomonas aeruginosa and how it forms antibiotic-resistant biofilms, as well as its use of protein filaments to attach and move along surfaces.
  • Matthew Miller, associate professor in biochemistry and biomedical sciences, is the Canada Research Chair in Viral Pandemics (Tier 2). Miller’s research is focused on pandemics, influenza viruses, coronaviruses, vaccines, antiviral drugs, virus/host interactions, immunity, and antibodies.

Canada Research Chairs at Tier 1 were renewed for Mohit Bhandari and John Lavis. Bhandari is the Canada Research Chair in Evidence-Based Orthopaedic Surgery and professor and chair of the Department of Surgery. Lavis is the Canada Research Chair in Evidence-Support Systems, professor of Health Research Methods, Evidence, and Impact, and director of the McMaster Health Forum.

June 28, 2022 – Source: News 📰

Through the Ministry of Innovation, Science and Industry, the Government of Canada has announced support totaling $2.5 million for the Tier 1 Research Chair led by Professor Morency, and the Tier 2 Research Chairs directed by Professor Boffito and Professor Cheng.

Tier 1 Canada Research Chairs are held by exceptional researchers, recognized by their peers as global leaders in their field. They receive annual funding of $200,000 for seven years and funds are renewable.

Tier 2 Canada Research Chairs are held by outstanding new researchers who are recognized by their peers as having the potential to become leaders in their field. These chairs receive annual funding of $100,000 for five years and funds are renewable once.

In total, the federal government is contributing close to $102 million for 119 new or renewed Canada Research Chairs currently researching in 35 institutions. Through the John R. Evans Leaders Fund, the Canada Foundation for Innovation, a partner in the Canada Research Chairs Program, is investing more than $1,7 million in 9 Canada Research Chairs at 8 institutions.

Below are descriptions of Polytechnique’s two newly-created Chairs, and the renewed Chair:

Tier 1 Canada Research Chair in the Mobility of People

Holder: Full Professor Catherine Morency – Department of Civil, Geological and Mining Engineering

This Canada Research Chair directed by Professor Morency focuses on modeling individual mobility behaviors and their evolution through time and space, notably to better understand and quantify each mode of transportation’s role in daily and weekly mobility. It comprises the study of conventional modes (private vehicle, public transit), active modes (cycling, walking), and shared modes (car-sharing, car-pooling, bike-sharing, micro-mobility).

The Tier 1 Canada Research Chair (CRC) designation is a new type of funding awarded by SSHRC to outstanding researchers who are emerging as leaders in their fields. Each year, 14 new CRCs will be created, with total funding over seven years of $28 million. It is expected that Tier 1 CRCs will produce world-leading research, and attract exceptional students and early career researchers to Canadian universities.

Enhance collaboration between Canadian universities and their counterparts internationally, establish links between Canadian university research and businesses that can benefit from research discoveries, and help propel academic institutions towards long-term excellence. The designations are targeted at senior scholars whose work demonstrates an exceptionally high level of achievement. The two newest Tier 1 CRCs will begin on July 1, 2022.

Read More: How to Renew Your Visitor Visa (Temporary Resident Visa – TRV)

Tier 2 Canada Research Chair in User Experience Design for Data-driven Systems

Holder: Assistant Professor Jinghui Cheng – Department of Computer and Software Engineering

In recent years, data-driven software systems, such as music and video recommendation applications, voice assistance systems, decision support tools, and intelligent cyber-physical systems (e.g., drones), have grown significantly. While the technology behind these systems is increasingly powerful, today’s data-driven systems are experiencing a user experience (UX) design innovation crisis, which limits their ability to truly improve people’s lives and meet practical needs.

The Tier 2 Canada Research Chair (CRC) program is a federal initiative that provides research funding to Canadian universities, colleges, polytechnics, research hospitals, and other not-for-profit research institutions. The CRC program provides funding for up to seven years, subject to satisfactory performance by researchers. These appointments are prestigious positions held by some of Canada’s top researchers whose contributions are critical to strengthening both industry competitiveness and national innovation. CRC awards provide $100 million annually for approximately 3,500 researchers across all disciplines of post-secondary education and research institutes.

Tier 2 Canada Research Chair in Engineering Process Intensification and Catalysis (EPIC)

Holder: Associate Professor Daria Camilla Boffito – Department of Chemical Engineering

Converting biomass into energy is key to taking control of our energy future. Yet biomass – an abundant and renewable resource – is a substrate composed of heterogeneous molecules that do not easily lend themselves to chemical transformation. This Canada Research Chair led by Professor Boffito fosters an innovative multidisciplinary approach, based on process intensification (PI), used to increase the efficiency of biomass chemical transformation processes.

Dr. Lu Gan was awarded a Tier 2 Canada Research Chair (CRC) on October 18, 2021, for his research proposal entitled Engineering Nanoparticle Materials for Sustainable Catalysis. Dr. Gan is an Assistant Professor in Chemical Engineering at Queen’s University with a cross-appointment to Queen’s School of Computing. He holds bachelor’s degrees from Peking University (China) and a doctorate from McMaster University (Canada).

Dr. Gan has been recognized as one of 24 recipients of the Early Researcher Awards by Ontario Centres of Excellence. The CRC program seeks to attract high-quality researchers that are mobile across international borders and to facilitate their creation of world-class research teams through collaboration with leading Canadian researchers at host universities across Canada. Read more about Two New Canada Research Chairs and Two Renewals Awarded Chairman on the OFFICIAL WEBSITE

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In Conclusion

The Dean of UBC’s Faculty of Medicine welcomed two new Canadian Research Chairs for child development and global health, along with two renewed chairs, a world-renowned authority on reproductive medicine and technology, who has twice been named a Leading Physician by The Globe & Mail, as well as an innovative Canadian clinician-scientist.

Canada Research Chair appointments are among UBC’s highest honors for our most esteemed faculty members. The reappointments of these prestigious national research chairs reflect our commitment to fostering excellence in education, research, and clinical care through close collaboration across all aspects of our Faculty. We are truly delighted that they will be staying at UBC Vancouver to help us achieve those goals.

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