July 27, 2024
Canada Citizenship Application Rejection

How long does it take to get a United States passport? In theory, the answer is fairly simple. Once you have your passport, you can travel to any country without having to worry about becoming a state or local citizen first. However, in real life, things aren’t so easy. Depending on where you live and what type of occupation you have, it could take several months or even years to receive your new passport after applying. Rejection by a foreign embassy or consulate isn’t the end of the world. But if you’re going to apply from anywhere, why not do it right? Check out these 5 reasons for rejection that international applicants might experience before submitting your application.

Canada Citizenship Application Rejection

When applying for citizenship, many people get rejected or put on hold for a long time before being approved. That’s because the process can take several months and is very difficult, with elements that are hard to predict. There are also certain stages of the application process where you are more likely to get rejected than approved.

If you’re reading this, it’s probably because you have already been rejected for citizenship and want to know why so many others experience the same thing. The truth is that there are several reasons your citizenship application may be declined, and not all of them have to do with you or what you can do to improve your chances of success. Here are some of the most common reasons why your citizenship application may be refused:

What is Citizenship?

Citizenship is a “relationship between an individual and a state to which the individual owes allegiance and in turn is entitled to its protection”. Each state determines the conditions under which it will recognize persons as its citizens, and the conditions under which that status will be withdrawn. Recognition by a state as a citizen generally carries with it recognition of civil, political, and social rights which are not afforded to non-citizens.

In general, the basic rights normally regarded as arising from citizenship are the right to a passport, the right to leave and return to the country/ies of citizenship, the right to live in that country, and to work there. Some countries permit their citizens to have multiple citizenships, while others insist on exclusive allegiance.

Because you did not meet the requirements for your physical presence.

Before submitting an application to become a citizen of Canada, prospective citizens are required to have resided in the country for at least three of the five years, or a combined total of 1,095 days. However, a large number of applicants are under the impression, which is not correct, that the amount of time necessary to become a Canadian citizen is equivalent to the amount of time necessary to maintain their status as permanent residents (730 days) (1095 days)

Calculating the total number of days you’ve spent in Canada is the best way to ensure that you meet the residency requirements for Canadian citizenship. If you entered Canada legally as a temporary resident and were physically present during that time, you might be able to count that time spent in Canada toward the physical presence requirements for Canadian citizenship.

Every day that you spend in Canada as a temporary resident before becoming a permanent resident counts as a half day, with a maximum of 365 days being counted toward your total number of days spent in the country. As a consequence of this, in order to be eligible for the maximum 365-day credit, you will need to be physically present in Canada as a temporary resident for a total of 730 days during the period in which you are eligible.

Failure to provide tax records

In Canada, submitting tax returns is obligatory, and in order to apply for citizenship, prospective citizens need to demonstrate that they have done so for the preceding three years.

You can provide evidence of your tax records by granting IRCC authorization to contact CRA to verify that you have submitted your taxes and meet the requirement. This is the easiest way to demonstrate that you have tax records.

You can also provide any other relevant personal records to demonstrate that you have been paying taxes on time. Should you fail to provide evidence of your tax records, you risk having your request denied.

Incapable of succeeding on the citizenship exam

It’s possible that the test for Canadian citizenship won’t be as straightforward as others, so you shouldn’t take it too lightly. Instead, allot yourself an appropriate amount of time to study and get ready for the exam. Typically, there are twenty multiple-choice questions and true/false questions on the examination. These questions cover the history, geography, economics, government, laws, and symbols of Canada. Candidates need to get at least 15 questions right, which is equivalent to a score of 75% or higher, in order to pass the exam.

READ MORE: The Canada Citizenship: How to Apply for the Canadian Citizenship Program

Nevertheless, the IRCC will schedule you for a second attempt at the citizenship test in the event that you do not pass the test the first time around, provided that you meet all of the other requirements. Your application will be rejected by the IRCC if you do not pass the oral hearing that will be held to test your level of expertise if it is unsuccessful the second time around. However, there is still a chance for things to turn around. You have the ability to reapply for citizenship; however, you will be required to retake the exam.

Because there is insufficient evidence of language proficiency

In order to be granted Canadian citizenship, you are required to demonstrate an ability in speaking and listening at or above the Canadian Language Benchmarks Level 4 (CLB 4). This should not be too difficult considering that in order to become permanent residents, people are typically required to pass a language test. Despite this, the result of this language test ought to be kept on file, even though it is no longer valid.

You are able to use the same results to demonstrate that you are proficient in the language. If this is not the case, you will be required to provide additional documentation to demonstrate that you meet the requirements for CLB 4, which may result in a delay in the processing of your application.

Bypassing the ceremony to receive one’s citizenship

Attendance at the Oath of Citizenship for Canada is mandatory for anyone applying for Canadian citizenship who is older than 14 years old. However, it’s possible that a lot of people aren’t aware that in order to do this, you need to be physically present in the country. The applicant for a COVID ceremony must be physically present in Canada in order for the government to approve a virtual ceremony. You are welcome to reschedule the ceremony to take the Oath of Citizenship at a later time if it conflicts with your travel plans or if you are otherwise unable to attend.

Last but not least, if your application for citizenship is rejected, the immigration letter that follows should provide a comprehensive explanation of the reasons. If you have resolved the issue that resulted in the initial application for citizenship being denied, then you are eligible to submit a new application for citizenship based on the new evidence. The good news is that you will not be required to wait any amount of time before you can resubmit your application for citizenship.


There are a number of reasons why your Canadian citizenship application may be rejected. The most common reasons include failing the citizenship test, not meeting the residency requirements, or providing false information on your application. If you are concerned that your application may be rejected, it is always best to consult with an immigration lawyer to ensure that you have the best chance of success.

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