July 27, 2024
Aadhar Login

Aadhaar is a 12 digit individual identification number issued by the Unique Identification Authority of India on behalf of the Government of India. The number serves as a proof of identity and address, anywhere in India.

Aadhar Login

One of the most important uses of the Aadhar card is that it permits the holder. To avail of all government subsidies, he/she is eligible for. Since the government already has all the necessary data on a particular individual. They need only produce their Aadhaar card in order to avail of the various subsidies or programs.

The Aadhaar project was started as an attempt at having a single unique identification number. Or document that would contain all the details of an Indian resident. At present, there are many identity documents in the country. Like permanent account numbers (PAN), passports, driving licenses, and ration cards.

Aadhar Login

An Aadhaar Card password is a combination of the first 4 letters of the name in CAPITAL and the year of birth (YYYY) as a password. This page covers what is Aadhaar Card Password is, why is Aadhaar Card is required, how to open the e-Aadhaar Card PDF online.

Aadhaar Card contains the Aadhaar no. which is a 12 digit unique identification number for all Indians. Thus, an Aadhaar card can be availed by all Indian residents. An individual’s Aadhaar card has records of the cardholder’s biometric and demographic information. The Aadhaar project is being carried out by an organization called the UIDAI (Unique Identification Authority of India) in India.

What is Aadhaar Card Password?

You can download your Aadhaar Card online at the web-link here: https://eaadhaar.uidai.gov.in/. Once you download the E-Aadhaar, you will notice that it is a PDF file. This PDF file is password protected. The password to this E-Aadhaar PDF file is 8 characters.

These 8 character password is a combination of the first four letters of your name written in CAPITAL letters (Name as mentioned in the Aadhaar card) and your Year of Birth (in YYYY format). The different variations of an E-Aadhaar card password are detailed below:

  • Example 1: Your name is MAHESH KUMAR
    Your Year of Birth is 1989
    Then your E-Aadhaar password is MAHE1989
  • Example 2: Your name is RAM KUMAR
    Your Year of Birth is 1989
    Then your E-Aadhaar password is RAMK1989
  • Example 3: Your name is R.M. KUMAR
    Your Year of Birth is 1989
    Then your E-Aadhaar password is R.M.1989
  • Example 4: Your name is SAI
    Your Year of Birth is 1989
    Then your E-Aadhaar password is SAI1989

Why is the Password Required?

UIDAI keeps your E-Aadhaar file a password-protected PDF file because PDF is generally considered a safe digital file format and if the same is protected by a password, the security cover of the file increases. To summarize, a combination of the first four letters of your name written in CAPITALS (Name as mentioned in the Aadhaar card) and your Year of Birth (in YYYY format) is your Aadhaar card PDF password or simply your Aadhaar card password.

For whatever reason you want to download your Aadhaar card, whether you have misplaced the original physical copy or mistakenly destroyed it, you can download the same here: https://eaadhaar.uidai.gov.in/ . For downloading your E-Aadhaar, you need to visit the aforementioned link and then follow the below steps:

Step 1:

In the ‘Your Personal Details’ section, select the relevant option amongst these two ‘I have ‘Enrolment ID’/‘Aadhaar’’. Select the option of the detail you have. You can find your Enrolment ID along with the Date Stamp in the Acknowledgment slip you received when you registered for Aadhaar. The other option is that of Aadhaar. Here you will have to fill the Aadhaar No. you received:

  • If you select ‘Enrolment Id’, you will have to fill in your 14 digit Enrolment no. with a date stamp in the first row.
  • However, if you select ‘Aadhaar’, you will have to fill in your 12 digit Aadhaar no.
  • Then you will need to fill in your Full Name. The Name which you will mention here should be the same one you mentioned when registering for Aadhaar.
  • In the next row, enter the PIN Code of the postal address you mentioned when registering for Aadhaar.
  • Enter the Image text relevant to the image which is being displayed a row above.
  • Enter your mobile no. This mobile no. should be the one you mentioned when registering for Aadhaar.
  • Then click on ‘Get One Time Password’. You will receive a Time Password on your registered mobile no.

Step 2:

In the ‘Enter OTP Received and Download your E-Aadhaar’ section, enter the One Time Password you just received (in Step 1f) on your registered mobile no. Once you do that you have to click on the “Validate and Download” tab.

  • Then, a PDF file will be presented to you for downloading. That is your E-Aadhaar.

Note: If you are downloading your e-Aadhaar through desktop/laptop, you need to go for the face authentication process under which you are required to enable your webcam and bring your face near the camera. After a while, your e-Aadhaar will be downloaded.

How to Open e-Aadhaar Card PDF File after Downloading?

So, To open Aadhaar Card PDF file you have 2 ways :

  1. Enter the PIN Code of the postal address that you mentioned when registering for Aadhaar.
  2. If the PIN Code does not work, the password to your Aadhaar card PDF file is a combination of the first four letters of your name written in CAPITALS (Name as mentioned in the Aadhaar card) and your Year of Birth (in YYYY format).

Example: Your name is Harsh
Your Year of Birth is 1989
Then you have to enter HARS1989

After opening the E-Aadhaar file through its password, you can print your E-Aadhaar too. If you want to better understand how to get E Aadhaar Card Password, you can visit this link:
https://eaadhaar.uidai.gov.in/#/popup. Through this you understand how to obtain the password to open your Aadhaar card pdf file. Moreover, if you have forgotten your Aadhaar card PDF password you can know that by following the above steps.

Benefits of E-Aadhaar Card

If your Aadhaar card has been stolen or misplaced you can very easily visit the aforementioned online link and download the same at your comfort and convenience. This downloaded file is called E-Aadhaar.

A benefit of E-Aadhaar is that it reflects the latest updates of your Aadhaar details. So if you happen to edit any information of the Aadhaar online and then you want your revised Aadhaar card, you need not visit the UIDAI authorized centers to avail your Aadhaar card offline, you can very well download the latest version of your Aadhaar card from anywhere, anytime by downloading the Aadhaar Card Online through the E-Aadhaar card. That Aadhaar card as aforementioned is called an E-Aadhaar.

Coming to the point of E-Aadhaar again, we know that E-Aadhaar when downloaded is a PDF file that is also password protected for the cardholder’s information protection and security. That password is a combination of the first four letters of your name written in CAPITALS (Name as mentioned in the Aadhaar card) and your Year of Birth (in YYYY format).

The Government of India is slowly and steadily integrating and linking all their data and information with the Aadhaar card database. Since Aadhaar is truly unique to an individual, linking it to an individual’s personal, employment, and financial profile gives the government and all its functionaries a comprehensive all-around view of an individual. This helps the authorities to correctly gauge a person’s profile. Through Aadhaar you can also avail many governmental schemes and subsidies.

Let’s go through the various uses of Aadhaar card below:

1. Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT):

Direct Benefit Transfer schemes in relevance to Aadhaar mean that through linking your Aadhaar to your bank accounts, you can get the monetary benefits of any and all government subsidy schemes directly into your bank accounts. These schemes can include public subsidy and unemployment benefit schemes. The schemes under DBT ambit currently include the domestic LPG scheme and the MGNREGS.

Recently it was announced that the benefits of the Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojna or the Crop Insurance Scheme can also be availed through Aadhaar-linked bank accounts. Through DBT (Aadhaar linked bank account and subsidy scheme linkage), ghost beneficiaries of public subsidy schemes have been exceptionally excluded to a large extent.

2. Biometric Attendance:

The Biometric attendance system in our offices can also be linked to our Aadhaar card. This will help in checking late arrival and absenteeism in offices, especially public offices where this seems to be a major problem. This is also expected to help in disciplining public officers too. If you have your Aadhaar linked to your biometric attendance, it can help you regulate your attendance once such a system is installed in your office.

Such a system can help you in your appraisal cycle too as the relevant authorities will have your complete attendance and basic personal profile to know of your good social behavior too. This will act as a National Database for government employees.

3. Other Uses:

Possessing an Aadhaar card is expected to be an obligatory requirement for all Indian Passport holders. It is also suggested that people who possess Aadhaar can get their passports issued within a week or two. It has been reported that the Ministry of External affairs wants to link an individual’s Aadhaar with his/her passport.

Moreover, recently the Department of Electronics and Information Technology announced that they were planning to link an individual’s Aadhaar card to their SIM cards. Aadhaar-linked SIM cards are also being sold in the market today.

Moreover, the National Electoral Roll Purification and Authentication Programme (NERPAP), a program initiated by the Election Commission of India aims to link the Elector’s Photo ID card with their Aadhaar no. This system can revolutionize the Indian voting system as it can weed out fake or duplicate voters and can create an error-free and fool-proof voter identification system in the country.

4. Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation of India (EPFO):

EPFO, the organization which provides Provident Fund services to Indian employees began connecting their Provident Fund accounts to the account holder’s Aadhaar. Also, EPFO has now become a UIDAI registrar as it now has the authority to issue Aadhaar numbers to provident fund subscribers.

5. Ration Cards:

In states like Telangana, the Aadhaar number has also been linked to ration cards so as to prevent duplication of ration cards.

So basically, Aadhaar as the name suggests is expected to take over as a single identity document for all Indian individuals and will then bring seamless uniformity in the system. To enable this with comfort and convenience, the government has brought out a system that lets you access Aadhaar electronically.

Through E-Aadhaar you can download your Aadhaar card and then print it and then use a combination of the first four letters of your name written in CAPITALS (Name as mentioned in the Aadhaar card) and your Year of Birth (in YYYY format) to open the Aadhaar PDF file as that is your Aadhaar card PDF password or simply your Aadhaar card password.

Founder of Aadhar

Nandan Mohanrao Nilekani (born 2 June 1955) is an Indian entrepreneur. He co-founded Infosys and is the non-executive chairman of Infosys replacing R Seshasayee and Ravi Venkatesan, who were the co-chairs of the board, on 24 August 2017.

After the exit of Vishal Sikka, Nilekani was appointed as non-executive chairman of the board effective 24 August 2017. He was the chairman of the Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI). After a successful career at Infosys, he headed the Government of India’s technology committee, TAGUP. He is a member of the Indian National Congress but not active in politics as of 2019.

Early life

Nandan Nilekani was born on 2 June 1955 in Bangalore, Karnataka. His parents Durga and Mohan Rao Nilekani are from the Konkani brahmin community originally from Sirsi town in Uttara Kannada district of Karnataka. His father worked as a general manager of Mysore and Minerva Mills and subscribed to Fabian Socialist ideals that influenced Nilekani in his early years. Nilekani’s elder brother, Vijay, works in the Nuclear Energy Institute in the USA.

Nilekani studied at the Bishop Cotton Boys’ School and St. Joseph’s High School Dharwad, Karnataka PU College Dharwad and received a bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Mumbai.

Information technology Career

In 1978 he started his career at the Mumbai-based Patni Computer Systems, where he met and was interviewed by N.R. Narayana Murthy. In 1981, Nilekani, Murthy, and five others left Patni to start their own company, Infosys. Nilekani became the chief executive officer of Infosys in March 2002 and served as CEO of the company through April 2007, when he relinquished his position to his colleague Kris Gopalakrishnan and became co-chairman of the board of directors.

Before assuming leadership as CEO in 2002, Nilekani held various posts, including managing director, president, and chief operating officer. He served as its CEO from March 2002 to April 2007. During his five-year tenure as CEO, Infosys’ topline grew sixfold to $3 billion.

In 2017 he returned to Infosys after the exit of CEO Vishal Sikka to become a chairman. Upon his return, he changed the power center from California back to its Bengaluru headquarters. Also, such people as R. Seshasayee (a chairman and board director), Ravi Venkatesan (a co-chairman), Sikka (executive vice chairman and director), and Jeffrey Lehman and John Etchemendy (directors) resigned from their posts.

Bureaucracy Career

Nilekani left Infosys in July 2009 to serve as the chairman of the Unique Identification Authority of India, a cabinet-ranking position that he entered under the invitation of Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh. As chair of the UIDAI, he was responsible for implementing the envisioned Multipurpose National Identity Card, or Unique Identity card (UID Card) project in India.

This initiative aims to provide a unique identification number for all residents of India. And will be used primarily as the basis for the efficient delivery of welfare services. The identification method will be biometric. And the drive to create this government database of the entire population of India has been called “the biggest social project on the planet.”

They developed Aadhaar, which is an Indian biometric ID system, a database, which contains demographic information, home addresses of Indians. As of April 2017, 1.14 billion Indian people got their ID number. In 2016, World Bank Chief Economist Paul Romer called Aadhaar “the most sophisticated ID program in the world.” This program is criticized for violating people’s privacy and exposing personal information.

In Conclusion

He is a member of the board of governors of the Indian Council for Research on International Economic Relations (ICRIER) and the President of NCAER. He also sits on several advisory boards, including those of the World Economic Forum Foundation and the Bombay Heritage Fund.

Nilekani has appeared on The Daily Show with Jon Stewart to promote his book Imagining India. The Idea of a Renewed Nation and spoke at a TED conference in 2009 on his ideas for India’s future.

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