July 25, 2024
Top 10 Cryptocurrencies According to Investors

When it comes to choosing a cryptocurrency, people don’t just consider the technology behind it and the speed at which it processes transactions; they also consider how popular that cryptocurrency is with investors. That’s why we want to take a look at the top 10 cryptocurrencies according to social engagement. Over the next year, based on their growth potential and current market cap. Here’s our list of top 10 cryptocurrencies according to social engagement in 2017-2022.

Top 10 Cryptocurrencies According to Investors

Since the first cryptocurrency was created in 2009, more than 1,000 cryptocurrencies have been introduced to the market, including popular ones like Bitcoin and lesser-known coins like Quantum and Ethereum Dark. However, it’s often difficult to evaluate which cryptocurrencies have the most potential among this sea of coins.

Here are the top 10 cryptocurrencies based on social engagement in the next five years, with each cryptocurrency’s current market cap and predicted market cap in 2022. Social engagement and value predictions are two of the most important metrics in cryptocurrency investing, and it’s no surprise that these two metrics are connect in several different ways. In fact, according to analysts, they are both going to continue to increase throughout 2022 and beyond, making them both integral parts of the cryptocurrency investment ecosystem.

However, let’s take a look at how social engagement and value predictions intertwine with one another when it comes to investing in cryptocurrencies. Social media has become one of the biggest influencers of cryptocurrency trading, so it’s important to know which ones are doing well. Recently, online communities have started analyzing their favorite cryptocurrencies’ social engagement in order to predict their future success or failure. Based on this type of data, these are the top 10 cryptocurrencies as ranked by investors’ social engagement in 2022.

What is cryptocurrency?

The cryptocurrency market is booming, and new tokens are being released every day. Though there is no way of accurately predicting which cryptocurrencies will be successful—or even survive into 2018, let alone 2022—there are some that appear to have great promise. Here are top 10 cryptocurrencies according to investors social engagement.

Cryptocurrency does not exist in physical form (like paper money) and is typically not issued by a central authority. Cryptocurrencies typically use decentralized control as opposed to a central bank digital currency (CBDC). When a cryptocurrency is minted or created prior to issuance or issued by a single issuer, it is generally considered centralized. When implemented with decentralized control, each cryptocurrency works through distributed ledger technology, typically a blockchain, that serves as a public financial transaction database. Traditional asset classes like currencies, commodities, and stocks, as well as macroeconomic factors, have modest exposures to cryptocurrency returns.

Even in markets as volatile as cryptocurrency, it’s hard to go wrong with coins like Ethereum (ETH), Ripple (XRP), and Stellar Lumens (XLM). All three of these coins rank in top 20 by market cap on CoinMarketCap, and each has widespread appeal. Over a 24-hour period, they can fluctuate from $250 million to over $1 billion in total value—but that’s fairly normal for cryptocurrencies. They are also stable: Ethereum is currently value(d) at about $475 per ETH token; Ripple about $0.22 per XRP token; and Stellar about $0.07 per XLM token.

What is an Investor

An investor is an individual or group who provides capital for a business, venture, or idea. In return for giving a company money upfront, investors receive equity in that company and/or an ownership stake. This means they will earn a profit if/when that company succeeds.

For example, if you invest $1,000 in Company X today and it earns $100 tomorrow, you’ll make 10 percent return on your investment because you’ve earned $100 through your ownership stake in Company X. If Company X earns $2 million tomorrow, however you’ll make 20 percent return because you have 2 percent of ownership of Company X (and it grew tenfold). Companies will often issue new shares periodically as well.

What is Social Engagement

Social engagement is becoming more and more popular in digital marketing, and there are several key indicators that are used by digital marketers and business owners. Shares, comments, likes and retweets all mean different things when it comes to social engagement.

A tweet with 100 retweets has a much higher level of social engagement. Than one with just 5 retweets because an average person. Who uses Twitter will only see 100 tweets at any given time on their feed as opposed to 5 tweets. If a person decides they like or agree with your tweet. Then they might retweet it for others who follow them to see. If another person sees your retweeted tweet. And agrees or likes it too, then they may decide to share it further still.

Top 10 Cryptocurrencies According to Investors Social Engagement

There are thousands of cryptocurrencies available on the market, so finding the right one to invest in can be tricky. This guide on the top 10 cryptocurrencies by social engagement will give you some key information about each coin so you can make an informed decision on which one might be best for your portfolio.

Here are they:

1. Bitcoin

It is likely that bitcoin will remain on top. It is currently dominating at 48.44% compared to other cryptocurrencies. Its massive popularity, which can be seen in its social engagement with investors, makes it a force to reckon with. Bitcoin’s dominance stands at an average of 37%.

Thus, it remains strong despite significant fluctuations and fall in prices over time. The overall market capitalization of bitcoin stands at $146 billion as of January 2018 while ethereum accounts for $84 billion and ripple accounts for around $86 billion.

2. Ethereum

The top cryptocurrency investors are currently speculating on is Ethereum. The platform, which houses a token called ether, experienced an increase in social engagement of 623 percent between April and June 2018 and has been outperforming Bitcoin on its social-engagement metric since early 2018. Of course, these figures do not account for market cap (Ethereum is at $13 billion compared to Bitcoin’s $138 billion)

But simply measure how many people are talking about each coin online; talking about Ethereum more doesn’t necessarily translate into investing in it over Bitcoin. Regardless, as interest in blockchain continues to grow, it will be interesting to see whether Ethereum can maintain its status as one of cryptocurrencies most discussed by investors and if that translates into trading volume or market value.

3. Litecoin

The original cryptocurrency and still one of most popular as well. Much like Bitcoin, Litecoin is a decentralized currency that has no central authority controlling it. However, in 2017, Litecoin surpassed its older brother in value and popularity due to more ease of use and wider acceptance. Litecoin is an open source software project released under an MIT/X11 license and there are many merchants around the world who accept LTC payments directly as well as through third-party platforms.

The purpose of Litecoin was to improve upon Bitcoin’s technology while also preserving most of its important features such as decentralization and peer-to-peer networking. Furthermore, using open source development practices will allow for faster iteration with a shorter feedback loop that benefits all users regardless of size or investment level.

4. Dogecoin

Launched as a joke in 2013, Dogecoin was created with a focus on having fun and being friendly rather than making money. The currency is based on internet slang that dates back to 2010, when users of discussion forums found it amusing to use broken English. The meme’s main features include common phrases such as wow, such cryptocurrency, and very money. It was created by Billy Markus and Jackson Palmer. Whose goal was simply to create a fun cryptocurrency that will appeal beyond those who typically invest in crypto. In December 2017, Dogecoin saw huge gains due to an announcement. By Disney regarding plans for its first-ever Doge-themed game – Dogesled.

5. Tezos

Tezos is a decentralized open-source blockchain that can execute peer-to-peer transactions and serve as a platform for deploying smart contracts. The native cryptocurrency for the Tezos blockchain is the tez which has the symbol XTZ. It was created by husband-and-wife team Arthur and Kathleen Breitman and first proposed in 2014. The non-profit Tezos Foundation, based in Zug, Switzerland, was created in 2017 to support the project and raised $232 million in Bitcoin and Ethereum in one of the biggest initial coin offerings (ICOs) at the time.

Subsequently, the Breitmans and the head of the foundation, Johann Gevers, publicly feuded over control of the project. The disagreements led to delays in the deployment of Tezos, which caused investors to bring lawsuits alleging unauthorized sales of securities. In 2020, the Tezos founders settled the lawsuits with the Tezos Foundation paying $25 million.

6. Zcash

Zcash is a cryptocurrency aimed at using cryptography to provide enhanced privacy for its users compared to other cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin. It is based on Bitcoin’s codebase. It shares many similarities, such as a fixed total supply of 21 million units. Transactions can be “transparent” and similar to bitcoin transactions in which case they are controlled by a t-addr, or they can be “shielded” and are controlled by a z-addr. A shielded transaction uses a type of zero-knowledge proof called zk-SNARKs, which provides anonymity to the coin holders in the transaction.

The coins are either in a transparent pool or a shielded pool. As of December 2017 only around 4% of Zcash coins were in the shielded pool. And at that time most cryptocurrency wallet programs did not support z-addrs. And no web-based wallets supported them. The shielded pool of Zcash coins were further analyzed for security. And it was found that the anonymity set can be shrunk considerably by heuristics-based identifiable patterns of usage.

$15.34 billion (1,044 BTC) Bitcoin Cash: $9.09 billion (617 BTC) Cardano: $3.77 billion (298 BTC) Dash: $3.73 billion (902 BTC) Stellar Lumens: $2.84 billion (177 BTC) IOTA: $2.74 billion (273 BTC) NEO: $2.35 billion (196 BTC) TRON: $1.76 billion (215 BTC) Monero XMR :$1.72 million ($35 million USD), Ripple XRP :$1.59 million ($180 million USD), Ethereum Classic ETC :$0,82 million ($121 million USD), Bitcoin Gold BTG :$0,46 million ($42 million USD).

7. OKB

(OKB) is a cryptocurrency that had a social media score of 78.59, putting it in 4th place for cryptocurrencies with high investor engagement. The platform was created by OK Blockchain Capital, and will be used to develop blockchain projects in China. In addition, its most popular exchanges are OKEx and LBank; ranking 13th and 14th globally. Recently on December 2nd, CEO Star Xu has announced he will be shutting down his exchange OKEx due to Chinese regulations on cryptocurrency trading.

8. Zilliqa

Zilliqa is a cryptocurrency that aims to use sharding to solve the scalability issues facing many blockchains. Sharding is the process of dividing the mining network into smaller pieces, or shards, that process transactions in parallel. The price of Zilliqa has fallen by 15.53% in the past 7 days. The price declined by 4.33% in the last 24 hours. In just the past hour, the price shrunk by 1.54%. The current price is NGN 39.689781 per ZIL. Zilliqa is 63.26% below the all time high of NGN 108.0248.

Zilliqa was mentioned in 4,106 out of 2,096,473 social media posts on Twitter and Reddit on Apr 25, 2022. 2,752 unique individuals are talking about Zilliqa and it is ranked #61 in most mentions and activity from collected posts. Ranked #1 with 1,426K links and 2.27M social engagement in 2022. Highly ranked coins according to investors should perform well in 2019 while new coins enter Top 10 ranking such as Telcoin (ILC) will likely do well too.

9. Cardano

The first cryptocurrency on our list is Cardano, which was released in 2015. Though it has made some very positive moves since being released and is technically still in beta phase, it is likely to explode in popularity soon. Thanks to a stellar team of developers and engineers, many consider Cardano one of the most promising new projects on CoinMarketCap; if you’re interest(ed) in investing but aren’t sure how Cardano stacks up against other options, it’s definitely worth looking into. Stay tuned!

10. Tether (USDT)

Tether is an innovative altcoin created by a company called Tether Limited. The company issued $20 million worth of tethers in July 2017. One tether, or USDT, can be redeem for one U.S. dollar. It has enjoyed a huge market cap and social engagement, ranking 6th on our list of top cryptocurrencies according to investors social engagement 2022.

Tether, which in turn is control by the owners of Bitfinex. Tether is called a stablecoin because it was originally designed to always be worth US$1.00. Maintaining $1.00 in reserves for each tether issued. While, according to its 2021 settlement with the New York Attorney General Letitia James. Tether represents to users that any holder of tethers can redeem them from Tether the company at the rate of one tether for one U.S. dollar”,

Tether Limited as of 2017 stated that owners of tethers have no contractual right, other legal claims, or guarantee that tethers will or can be redeemed or exchanged for dollars. On 30 April 2019, Tether Limited’s lawyer claimed that each tether was backed by $0.74 in cash and cash equivalents. In May 2021, Tether published a report showing that only 2.9% of Tether was backed by cash, with over 65% backed by commercial paper.

The key challenges affecting the market cap

The biggest challenge facing all investors and cryptocurrency enthusiasts is whether or not they should invest their hard-earned money in cryptocurrencies. Will they be able to reap profits from these digital assets, or will they lose everything? For any future cryptocurrency investor who wants to stay on top of current trends and market movements. It’s important that he/she first understands what challenges are facing investors right now. The following list contains some of those most pressing issues affecting cryptocurrency investment today.

The top challenge that all investors face when deciding whether. Or not they should invest in a particular cryptocurrency is whether or not their investment will be profitable. The ultimate goal of every investor is to turn a profit. And so they must determine if any given cryptoasset’s price movements are worth investing in before they invest their hard-earned money. It’s impossible for any cryptocurrency investor—regardless of how experienced he/she is. To tell whether or not an asset’s value will go up or down at any given time. Anyone who claims otherwise is being dishonest. And no one should trust them when it comes to making major financial decisions.

In Conclusion

There are a multitude of uses for cryptocurrency, but these top 10 cryptocurrencies are currently among some of the most popular. They are all promising solutions in terms of value and market stability. It will be interesting to see how things change over time as society progresses further into blockchain technology and cryptocurrency.

The above list was compilly using Reddit data; it’s important for investors to know what other people like them believe is valuable. So they can make educated decisions about their investments. Cryptocurrency has come a long way since Bitcoin’s inception in 2009. And it’s only going to get better as more people learn about its many uses. We hope you enjoyed our post on top 10 cryptocurrencies according to investors social engagement! Thanks for reading!

However, if there is anything you think we are missing. Don’t hesitate to inform us by dropping your advice in the comment section. Either way, let me know by leaving a comment below!

Read More: You can find more here https://www.poptalkz.com/.

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