July 20, 2024
Things You Should Never do After Eating

6 Things you should Never do After Eating – People usually lay down or sit Comfortably on the chair after having meals, But on this page you will learn to stop the Big Mistakes you make after taking a meal. Eating (also known as consuming) is the ingestion of food, typically to provide a heterotrophic organism with energy and to allow for growth.

Things You Should Never do After Eating

According to experts these habits are highly dangerous and can put your health at risk. Meanwhile, in this Article, am about to share with you the 6 Things you should Never do After Eating. Healthful eating has many health benefits, such as reducing the risk of heart disease, stroke, obesity, and type 2 diabetes. It can also boost a person’s mood and provide them with more energy. A doctor or dietitian can provide tips on eating a more healthful diet.

The list of 6 Things you should Never do After Eating

  1. Smoking
  2. Never Go to bed after a meal
  3. Never rush to Shower after a meal
  4. Drinking Tea
  5. Eat your Fruits and Vegetable before not after a meal
  6. Avoid Cold Water after a Meal

See Also: Healthy Eating: Recipes, food and diet, weight loss and life stages

1. Smoking

Smoking is bad enough but after a meal it’s 10 times the Killer. Well, that is right; Smoking after a meal is very bad and if you must do it, you should wait at list for some hour after the meal. smoking, the act of inhaling and exhaling the fumes of burning plant material. A variety of plant materials are smoked, including marijuana and hashish, but the act is most commonly associated with tobacco as smoked in a cigarette, cigar, or pipe.

Meanwhile, Cigarette Contains NICOTINE Substance that Binds Oxygen which is what you body really needs for proper digestion. Making your Body absorb carcinogen(a substance capable of causing cancer in living tissue). Smokers smoke for the nicotine but are harmed by the tar and other chemicals. Many of them can cause cancer. Others are poisonous, such as hydrogen cyanide, carbon monoxide and ammonia. When you smoke, these chemicals can damage your lungs but also pass into your blood and spread through your body.

However,  According to Several studies, smoking a Cigarette after a Meal has the same effect as Smoking 10 Cigarettes at once.

Warning: Do take  your Cigarette(s) after money hours you finished taking a Meal in you should really tag it necessary to take Cigarettes.

2. Never go to bed after a Meal

Laying down for a nap or sleeping after a meal, is the favorite things for Millions of people but this habit is not healthy at all. However, When we lay down, some digested substance flow back to esophagus because of the gravitational Force.

Do to the Acidic Nature, it can burn the inner layer of the esophagus Causing Acid Reflex (is also known as heartburn, acid indigestion, or pyrosis. It happens when some of the acidic stomach contents go back up into the esophagus. Acid reflex creates a burning pain in the lower chest area, often after eating.).

Warning: Never go to bed or Take a nap imminently after a meal do wait for some hours like say 1-hour before laying down to rest or other things like nap.

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3. Never rush to Shower after a meal

Do you know what? Waiting 30 minutes to take a shower after a meal is the best suggestion one can get from this Topic on The Basic 6 Things you should Never do After Eating. At the very least, it’s a possibility that you may experience discomfort and stomach cramping if you get in the tub before your food starts to digest. To avoid any digestive discomfort, you might want to wait 20 minutes to an hour after you eat to bathe.

However, Digestion needs a lot of Energy and Blood Flow in our Body but When we take a worm water shower, Blood Flows toward your skin to release a lot of heat making the Food Very Difficult to Digest. After you eat, your body is already at a slightly increased body temperature. That gentle warmth you feel in your body after a satisfying meal is actually your body directing increased blood flow to your digestive organs.

A bath can also increase your heart rate, which feels uncomfortable on a full stomach. Anecdotally, people say that taking a bath or shower confuses your body because instead of that increased blood flow to your digestive tract, your body is experiencing hyperthermic action caused by the water.

Theoretically, this would slow down or interrupt your digestion, leading to sluggishness. There’s no conclusive scientific evidence that proves or disproves this idea. If you subscribe to this theory, you may want to consider what it is that you’ve eaten before you completely rule out a bath afterward. A meal with dense protein, heavy fiber content, lots of fat, or refined carbohydrates may cause bloating as your body digests, creating a situation that puts pressure on your chest and makes cramps and heartburn becomes more likely.

4. Drinking Tea

Teas are healthy but shouldn’t be Consumed after a meal. Drinking Tea After a meal can inter-fair with the Iron Absorption in your Body, as tea Contains Technic Acid which binds with Iron and Proteins from our food. This can result in 87% Decrease in Iron Absorption and Even iron Deficiency, which can lead to anemia, dizziness, weakness and Fatigue.

Tea is a drink made by adding hot water to tea leaves or tea bags. Many people add milk to the drink and some add sugar. A cup of tea can be referred to as a tea. COBUILD Advanced English Dictionary.

Warning: You Love Tea right? Do yourself the Good to take your Teas before your Meals not after taking a meal or even taking a meal and drinking tea is never advisable.

5. Eat your Fruits and Vegetable before not after a meal

Fruits are almost recommended by everyone be it some experts or dietitians or Just some in experience house wife But Few of them know that eating fruits just after a meal can be also handful and that’s neglect to mention it to you. According to this myth, if you eat fruit right before or after a meal, the nutrients will somehow be lost. However, this is not true. The human body has evolved to be as efficient as possible when it comes to extracting nutrients from food.

Fruits are the easiest to Digest and Just take 20 minutes to travel from your Stomach to intestines, where they are finally digested.

Meanwhile, Banana is an exception to this. so, when you take fruits after a meal it get stock with the food, Thus not travelling in time to the Intestines and getting spoiled as a result, thus spoiling Food too.

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Warning: Always take your Fruits and Vegetables some Minutes before eating any food for better and proper Food movements and Digestion in the Body.

6. Avoid Cold Water after a Meal

The reason is very simple, Ice water do not let the Food to Digest Properly because it courses clomping of Food. Drinking chilled water immediately after a meal also interferes with your body’s ability to breakdown fats. The cold temperature of water solidifies fats from the foods and as a result it becomes difficult for your body to breakdown the unwanted fats from your body.

Meanwhile, Hot warm Water helps to Absorb Nutrients better.

One of the main reasons to avoid drinking chilled water is because it has a serious implication on your digestion. Chilled water as well as some cold beverages contract the blood vessels and also restrict digestion. The natural process of absorbing nutrients during digestion is hindered when you consume chilled water. The reason is your body’s focus is diverted from digestion to regulating the body temperature and the chilled water. Your body needs to spend extra energy to regulate the body temperature when you consume anything which has a very low temperature. The extra energy is actually necessary for proper digestion and absorbing the nutrients which is hindered.


If thoroughly you wish to take the best care of your Body and for a healthy lifestyle. Do make it very possible to Follow the Guides given above for better and healthier life-span.

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Do Contact us for more questions and Suggestion if any arise due to the Basic 6 Things you should Never do After Eating.

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