Pre-Employment Screening Testing Assessment: In general, the exam includes checking a candidate’s vital signs, weight, temperature, pulse, and blood pressure. It may also include specific tests such as drug and alcohol testing, physical ability and stamina testing, and psychological testing.
A pre-employment background check is a critical piece of the hiring process. Most background checks consist of criminal history, education, previous employment verifications, and reference checks. Drug testing results may also be post in background check reports.
Pre-employment tests introduce an element of objectivity into the hiring process by providing concrete results. That can be standardize across all applicants. Employers can then use these data to make better informed, more defensible hiring decisions. Generally speaking, however, a typical screening for employers on candidates could take anywhere between 48 hours and five business days. While this time frame is the typical one employers and hiring managers can expect to receive results in. There are some aspects that can prolong the process.
Pre-Employment Screening Testing Assessment
Pre-employment tests are a standardized way of gathering data to screen job applicants. They may be used to test knowledge, physical and motor abilities. Work skills, emotional intelligence, personality, language proficiency, and cognitive abilities.
Based on the type of test being used, pre-employment tests can unveil relevant information on an individual’s ability to perform in the workplace, allowing companies to hire the best-fit candidates and screen out those who are unqualified. Pre-employment tests are becoming immensely popular in recent years as they help companies identify the candidates most likely to perform well on the job. Psychology Today reveals that about 80% of Fortune 500 companies use pre-employment testing as a recruiting strategy, which in turn helps them save money and time, increase productivity, decrease turnover and improve morale.
An organization that makes good hiring decisions tends to have higher productivity and lower turnover, which positively affects the bottom line. Hiring the wrong people can have a negative impact on employee morale and management time and can waste valuable training and development dollars. Pre-employment testing and new screening tools and technology can help HR professionals minimize hiring time and select the most qualified individual who best fits the organization.
Pre-employment tests need to be selected and monitored with care; employers run the risk of litigation if a selection decision is challenged and determined to be discriminatory or in violation of state or federal regulations. Tests used in the selection process must be legal, reliable, valid, and equitable, and HR professionals need to stay aware of any developing trends.
Types of Pre-employment Tests
However, we are going to list the best type of pre-employment tests on this page. Therefore, we list them and explain them in detail for you to understand easily.
Here are the best type of pre-employment:
- Personality Tests
- Cognitive Aptitude and Skills Tests
- Situational Judgement Tests
- Physical Ability Tests
- Emotional Intelligence Tests
1. Personality Tests
They are one of the most commonly used pre-employment screening tests. They are specifically designed for the hiring process measure characteristics such as interests, emotional adjustment, attitudes, interpersonal relations, and motivation to assess whether the candidate will be a good fit for the job and the company.
Usually, companies use the most widely accepted taxonomy of personality among industrial-organizational (I/O) psychologists – the Big Five personality traits: Agreeableness, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Openness (to Experience), and Stress Tolerance. These traits reveal if the candidates will excel in the role and stay long-term. For example, event planners who score high on openness and extraversion tend to
Other personality tests, however, like the DISC and the Myers-Briggs shouldn’t be used in the pre-employment process as they are not validated for this purpose.
2. Cognitive Aptitude and Skills Tests
Cognitive aptitude tests are use by organizations to measure a candidate’s memory, arithmetic skills, reading comprehension, reasoning as well as knowledge of the job role. While they only measure general intelligence or brainpower, cognitive aptitude tests indicate how well the candidate thinks critically, learns new skills and solves problems.
According to LinkedIn Learning’s 2020 Workplace Learning Report, the three highest-priority skills employers need in candidates are leadership and management (57%), creative problem solving and design thinking (42%), and communication (40%). And it is not possible to assess these skills solely on the basis of resumes and interviews. This is where aptitude tests step in to help.
With their application in almost any occupational context, aptitude tests are, unsurprisingly, the most accurate predictor of job performance. They can even help employers identify candidates who may have been ignore base on their resume alone, but who demonstrate high potential in the long term.
With their application in almost any occupational context, aptitude tests are, unsurprisingly, the most accurate predictor of job performance. They can even help employers identify candidates who may have been ignored based on their resume alone. But who demonstrate high potential in the long term.
Research shows that cognitive aptitude tests are four times as predictive as education level. Three times as predictive as experience, and twice as predictive as job interviews.
3. Situational Judgement Tests
Situational judgement tests, often abbreviated as ‘SJTs’, are designed to determine how well candidates prioritize, follow the instructions, and handle unpleasant situations in the workplace. Commonly used as a pre-employment test, they present candidates with different scenarios that they might experience in the job they’re applying for.
For each situation, the candidate is suggested a number of possible actions, out of which they have to choose the most effective course of action – the action they would take if they encounter a similar situation. SJTs invariably reflect the real-life aspect of the job.
A variety of organizations are using situational judgement tests as a part of their recruitment process. Some examples include Deloitte, Walmart, Waitrose, the NHS, and Sony.
4. Physical Ability Tests
Pre-employment physical ability tests are conducted for prospective employees in the manual and physical labour sectors to assure companies they are mentally and physically able to take on the job responsibilities.
The exam may test the potential employee’s endurance, flexibility. Mental fortitude under physical strain, balance, stamina, and cardiovascular health.
Many employment-based legal battles often stem from these physical ability tests as women, the elderly. And minorities usually become the victim of inequitable or uneven testing. It is, therefore, important for employees to understand the laws set out by the ADA to protect them and recognize employer discrimination when it occurs. Also remember that in case of any injury incurred during a physical ability test, the employer will be liable for it.
5. Emotional Intelligence Tests
Emotional intelligence, also known as Emotional Quotient, is the ability to understand and manage your and other people’s emotions. EI is a valuable skill that helps improve problem-solving, management, communication, and relationships within the workplace.
In fact, according to Harvard Business Review, emotional intelligence comprises nearly 90 per cent of what sets apart high performers from their fellows with similar technical skills. This is why 75 per cent of recruiters surveyed by CareerBuilder valued EQ over IQ.
Pre-employment emotional intelligence tests help organizations identify which candidates possess better relationship management skills. And have strong control over their emotions, and thereby will perform better in the job role.
Validation of Pre-Employment Tests
If a pre-employment test is well-validate, it doesn’t mean it has receive a stamp of approval or has undergone certain standardize qualifications for validity.
Test validity of a pre-employment test is merely an objective measure that provides proof of the assessment being able to actually measure what it purports to measure. A pre-employment test has predictive validity if there is an evident relationship between test results and job performance.
Types of Validity Measures
A number of validity measures are use to validate pre-employment tests. Here we list down the most important of them all:
1. Construct validity:
Construct validity is use to find out how well a test measures what it is suppose to measure. It is usually authenticate by comparing the test to other tests that measure similar attributes.
2. Content validity:
Content validity evaluates how well the items on a test are relevant to the skills. And capabilities required for the job role. In order to ensure the content validity of a pre-employment test. It needs to make sure that the test content reflects the knowledge required for a particular position.
3. Criterion validity:
The most powerful way to establish a pre-employment test’s validity is by criterion validity. However, it is more difficult to measure compared to other types of validity because it requires large sample sizes for each position.
Also known as concrete validity, criterion validity indicates that the test demonstrates a correlation or other statistical relationship between test performance and job performance. When it comes to pre-employment tests, the most frequently used variables are test scores and a particular business metric, such as retention rate or employee performance.
In Conclusion
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