July 24, 2024
Other Advertising Options

Google Adsense is the most Popular advertising Service on Blogging for Cash But There are Other Advertising Options Than Google Adsense which can help you earn more than Normal Google Adsense can Offer and they are free to use too.

Other Advertising Options

Google AdSense is a program run by Google through which website publishers in the Google Network of content sites serve text, images, video, or interactive media advertisements that are targeted to the site content and audience. These advertisements are administered, sorted, and maintained by Google. They can generate revenue on either a per-click or per-impression basis. Google beta-tested a cost-per-action service, but discontinued it in October 2008 in favor of a DoubleClick offering (also owned by Google).

In Q1 2014, Google earned US$3.4 billion ($13.6 billion annualized), or 22% of total revenue, through Google AdSense. AdSense is a participant in the AdChoices program, so AdSense ads typically include the triangle-shaped AdChoices icon. This program also operates on HTTP cookies. In 2021, over 38.3 million websites use AdSense.

Other Advertising Options Than Google Adsense

There are plenty of other advertising options if you do not want to go with Adsense. A search for “Adsense alternatives” will net you a long list of other advertising opportunities. Some work in much the same way as Adsense, others provide inline ads or banners. You should try a few different advertising programs to see which one works the best for your blog.

Some advertising opportunities are similar to Adsense and display text ads; others display contextual ads, the double underline words in the body of your text, and others work with graphic ads. Here is a list of other advertising sources for your blog, any of which may be the perfect advertising solution for you.

List of Other Advertising Options Than Google Adsense

Don’t Give it a doubt that Google Adsense is not and can’t be the only free Advertising option on the web today. Therefore you are going to see more other Options which can even give you more income than GA’Google Adsense‘. Here’s the cool collection;

Clicksor –

This advertising solution serves contextual ads within the body of your blog. These ads are simply words that are underlined twice and when clicked, send users to the sponsor’s website.

Clicksor is a dynamic online advertising network known worldwide for its empowering contextual platforms by offering creative mediums and unlimited keywords. Clicksor is SSP based ad space buying and selling marketplace that works on CPM established by Patrick Jeng in 2004(200 Consumers Rd, Toronto, Ontario M2J 4R4, ). In Clicksor publishers and Advertisers can buy or sell there ad space.

Clicksor is one of the popular digital advertising companies in the world. The Webmasters and bloggers can make money with Clicksor by placing their ads on their sites or blogs. To participate in the publisher program, the site must comply with the clicksor’s policies. Currently clicksor is offering 5 types of ad formats namely inline text links, text banners, graphical banner, pop-unders and interstitial. Publishers get paid on CPC (Cost per click), CPM (Cost per 1000 impressions), CPV (Cost per visit) and CPI(Cost per Interestitial) basis. The advertisements served by clicksor are contextual i.e. the ads are very much relevant to the keywords on the site or blog.

TargetPoint –

Cost per click ads that display ads relevant to your content. They claim to pay out 50% of click revenue and offer many customizable features.

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Sample 1 Sample 2 Sample 3 Based on 7 documents Save Copy. TargetPoint is a full service public opinion market research firm lead by the nation’s foremost experts, seasoned political managers, leading statistical experts, and respected analysts. Find out how TargetPoint can help your company, candidate or cause.

Adbrite –

They have a few different advertising options including text ads, banner ads, inline ads, and full page ads. AdBrite, Inc. was an online ad exchange, based in San Francisco, California, which was founded by Philip J. Kaplan and Gidon Wise in 2002. Founded as Marketbanker.com, the site was relaunched as AdBrite in 2004 as an advertising network and then in 2008 as an ad exchange.

AdBrite remained an independent ad exchange, reaching more than 160 million U.S. unique visitors each month and providing site-level transparency, display and video capabilities, and an open platform for data providers and real-time bidders. AdBrite was led by Hardeep Bindra, CEO, and Joaquin Delgado, CTO, who had worked at Yahoo! Right Media, another ad exchange. It was backed by Sequoia Capital, and DAG Ventures.

Chitika –

This advertising option is designed specifically for blogs and there are different advertising programs to choose form including text ads, inline ads, and graphic ads. Most of them operate on a cost per click basis.

Veoda –

They also have different ad options including text, graphical, flash and inline ads. The good thing about Veoda is that they do not require a minimum number of visitors to sign up and do not require tax information which is good for small blogs that are just starting out.

Kontera –

This is another inline advertising source where ads are placed as highlighted words that display a message when they are hovered over.

Text Link Ads –

This site allows purchasers to buy text ads on blogs for a fixed monthly fee. The more popular your blog is, the more your ads will cost and the more money you will make.

Affiliate Sensor –

This advertising solution combines the best of text ads with affiliate marketing. You earn revenue through Click-bank, an affiliate marketing program, without having to market directly in your blog. Text ads are placed, matched to your content, on your blog that link to Clickbank products.

AllFeeds –

You can display a variety of ads through AllFeeds, from contextual ads, pop-away ads, and text links. You can also display news and whether right form your blog with this service.

Bidvertiser –

You only display ads from the highest bidder with this advertising solution and you can block ads that you do not want to appear on your site. The payout level is set relatively low at just $10.

Other Advertising Options Than Google Adsense Summary

As you can see, there are plenty of other advertising solutions for your blog, and there are plenty more out there besides the ones mentioned here. You can always sell ad space directly, to companies or businesses that are related to your blog topic.

There are a few things you should remember before placing ads on your blog, however. Unobtrusive ads will seldom drive traffic away, but too many tacky ads will cause visitors to leave. You want to find a good balance where you can earn income but not chase off visitors. Make sure your ads are relevant and not annoying. Make sure that they do not take up too much space or become the focal point of your blog.

Hope you understand? Blogging for Cash is one of the coolest way to money online.

In Conclusion

Either way, let me know by leaving a comment below!

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