July 25, 2024
The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) has announced the opening of the application process for their fully-funded Helmut Schmidt Scholarship Program,

A fully-funded study program in Germany will no longer be an unattainable dream, thanks to the fully-funded DAAD Helmut Schmidt Scholarship Program 2022-2023! The scholarship program is named after former German Chancellor Helmut Schmidt and offers full funding to students looking to study abroad in Germany. Whether you’re going to become proficient in the German language or get your master’s degree at one of the most prestigious universities in Germany, this scholarship can help you reach your academic goals faster and more easily than ever before!

The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) has announced the opening of the application process for their fully-funded Helmut Schmidt Scholarship Program,

The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) has announced the opening of the application process for their fully-funded Helmut Schmidt Scholarship Program, which will send outstanding German and international graduate students from various disciplines to Germany to receive their education at one of the DAAD partner universities. Through the Helmut Schmidt Scholarship Program, students can study in Germany for one or two semesters and learn more about European culture and society while also enhancing their own academic knowledge.

The DAAD Helmut Schmidt Scholarship Program has announced its scholarship application process for the 2022-2023 funding year, beginning on May 7, 2022, and the deadline on July 30, 2022. This scholarship program offers full funding to German master’s programs at 150 institutions in over 50 countries around the world, including the United States, Germany, France, Japan, China, and many more…

Fully-Funded DAAD Helmut Schmidt Scholarship Program

Need to Study in Germany? The German Government is opening the entryways for global students under “DAAD Helmut Schmidt Program 2023”. It is one of the Fully Funded Scholarship in Germany that will cover every one of the costs of the candidate. The DAAD Helmut Schmidt Program is particularly for those future chiefs, with the means to contribute their best involvement with the social and financial improvement of the country. Try not to botch this superb chance to free study in Germany.

The DAAD Helmut-Schmidt-Programme (known as Public Policy and Good Governance) supports future leaders from developing countries (see list of countries), who want to promote democracy and social justice in their home countries. The program, which is funded by the German Federal Foreign Office, offers the chance to acquire a Master’s degree in Master’s programs of particular relevance for the social, political, and economic development in the students’ countries of origin. In the light of the principles of Good Governance, highly qualified graduates with a first academic degree are being educated in political science, law, economics, and administration and prepared for future leading positions in their home countries.

The DAAD Helmut Schmidt Scholarship Programme 2023 in Germany by the DAAD aims to contribute to the uplifting of civil societies through promoting values of good governance and reforming social structures in developing nations across the world, in the most productive ways. The future leaders are facilitated with the options of such disciplines that are of critical importance to the social, cultural, economic, and political development of the Global South. Leaders are prepared with the professional practice for desirable standing in the international system. Moreover, these bright minds are encouraged to contribute to the economic and social forms that are democratically driven and help overcome social inequalities.

About DAAD

DAAD stands for Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst (German Academic Exchange Service). Founded in 1925, it is Germany’s official organization that promotes international academic cooperation. Students who participate in any one of these exchange programs are called Stipendiaten or Stipendiary. The funding comes from a semi-government foundation, which means that no matter what academic level a student is at, they have an equal opportunity to apply and win a fully-funded scholarship to study abroad in Germany.

There are hundreds of different scholarships offered each year; however, only 250 students are awarded full funding and free plane tickets! For example, students studying STEM (Science Technology Engineering Mathematics) programs can apply for their scholarships as early as 2022.

About Helmut Schmidt

Helmut Heinrich Waldemar Schmidt was a German Social Democratic Party (SPD) politician and statesman who served as Chancellor of West Germany from 1974 to 1982. Before becoming Chancellor, he had served as Minister of Defence, in which capacity he became known as the Lord of War due to his defense policies.

An intellectual, staunch Europhile, and nonconformist, he was an ardent supporter of European integration and a devout Roman Catholic. Schmidts’ name has been associated with a policy and political orientation that some historians refer to as Neoconservatism—though he personally never supported that particular ideology.

Scholarship Summary

  • Host Country: Germany
  • University: There are multiple Top German Universities that participate in this Scholarship program.
  • Fellowship Offered: German Government
  • No of Fellowships: Large No of Scholarships
  • Financial Coverage: Fully Funded
  • Degree Level: Master’s Degree Programs in Multiple Fields.

Scholarship Description:

DAAD Helmut-Schmidt-Program for Master’s Scholarships in Germany (Fully Funded) 2022-2023 is open for International Students. The scholarship allows a Master’s level program in the field of Public Policy, Good Governance taught at the University of Erfurt. The deadline for the scholarship is 30 July 2022.

Universität Erfurt has partnered with the DAAD’s Helmut-Schmidt-Program, funded by the German Federal Foreign Office (Master’s Scholarships for Public Policy and Good Governance). Helmut-Schmidt scholarships contain stipends for living costs and a tuition waiver from the Brandt School.

  • Host Universities:
    • Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg
    • University of Duisburg-Essen
    • University of Erfurt
    • Otto Von Guericke University Magdeburg
    • University of Applied Sciences Osnabruck
    • Passau University
    • University of Potsdam
  • Scholarship Program Duration:
    • The program duration for the scholarship is a minimum of two years.
  • Courses Offered Under DAAD Scholarship 2023:
    • Social Protection.
    • Development and Governance.
    • Public Policy.
    • Peace and Conflict Studies.
    • Management in Non-Profit Organization.
    • Development Studies.
    • Governance and Public Policy.
    • Public Management.

Eligible Countries for DAAD Scholarship 2022-23:

  1. Albania
  2. Bosnia and
  3. Herzegovina
  4. Kosovo
  5. Montenegro
  6. North Macedonia
  7. Serbia
  8. Turkey
  9. Armenia
  10. Azerbaijan
  11. Belarus
  12. Georgia
  13. Kazakhstan
  14. Kyrgyzstan
  15. Moldova
  16. Tajikistan
  17. Turkmenistan
  18. Ukraine
  19. Uzbekistan
  20. Afghanistan
  21. Algeria
  22. Egypt
  23. Iran
  24. Iraq
  25. Jordan
  26. Lebanon
  27. Libya
  28. Morocco
  29. Pakistan
  30. Palestinian
  31. territories
  32. Syria
  33. Tunisia
  34. Yemen
  35. Angola
  36. Benin
  37. Botswana
  38. Burkina Faso
  39. Burundi
  40. Cape Verde
  41. Cameroon
  42. Central African
  43. Republic
  44. Chad
  45. Comoros
  46. Congo
  47. Congo, Democratic
  48. Republic
  49. Côte d’Ivoire
  50. Djibouti
  51. Equatorial Guinea
  52. Eswatini
  53. Ethiopia
  54. Gabon
  55. The Gambia
  56. Ghana
  57. Guinea
  58. Guinea-Bissau
  59. Kenya
  60. Lesotho
  61. Liberia
  62. Madagascar
  63. Malawi
  64. Mali
  65. Mauritania
  66. Mauritius
  67. Mozambique
  68. Namibia
  69. Niger
  70. Nigeria
  71. Rwanda
  72. São Tomé und
  73. Príncipe
  74. Senegal
  75. Sierra Leone
  76. Somalia
  77. South Africa
  78. South Sudan
  79. Argentina
  80. Belize
  81. Bolivia
  82. Brazil
  83. Colombia
  84. Bangladesh
  85. Bhutan
  86. Cambodia
  87. China
  88. Cook Islands
  89. Fiji
  90. India
  91. Indonesia
  92. Kiribati
  93. Laos
  94. Malaysia
  95. Maledives
  96. Marshall Islands
  97. Micronesia
  98. Mongolia
  99. Myanmar
  100. Nauru
  101. Nepal
  102. Niue
  103. North Korea
  104. Papua N. Guinea
  105. Philippines
  106. Samoa
  107. Solomon Islands
  108. Sri Lanka
  109. Thailand
  110. Timor-Leste
  111. Tonga
  112. Tuvalu
  113. Vanuatu
  114. Vietnam
  115. Latin Am
  116. Sudan
  117. Tanzania
  118. Togo
  119. Uganda
  120. Zambia
  121. Zimbabwe
  122. Costa Rica
  123. Cuba
  124. Dominica
  125. Dominican Rep.
  126. Ecuador
  127. El Salvador
  128. Grenada
  129. Guatemala
  130. Guyana
  131. Haiti
  132. Honduras
  133. Jamaica
  134. Mexico
  135. Nicaragua
  136. Paraguay
  137. Peru
  138. Lucia
  139. Vin. & Gre.
  140. Suriname
  141. Venezuela

Eligibility Criteria:

The main DAAD selection criteria are:

  • your study results so far
  • language skills
  • political and social engagement
  • a convincing description of the subject-related and personal motivation for your studies in Germany
  • expected benefit when returning to the home country

Your most recent university degree should have been obtained within the six years prior to the application for the scholarship. Applicants who have resided in a country that is not included in the DAC list of developing and emerging countries for more than 15 months at the time of the application deadline are not eligible.

Below you will find an overview of all documents that should be included in your online application for the Helmut-Schmidt-Programme at the Brandt School.

Who can apply?

All students from outside of Germany that wish to study full-time in Germany at an accredited university are eligible to apply. The program is open to all fields of study, including both undergraduate and graduate studies. There are two types of funding opportunities offered by the Fully Funded DAAD Helmut Schmidt Scholarship: a research fellowship or a course fellowship.

If you are applying for either of these fellowships, it is recommended that you prepare with an internship, research assistant position, or another type of relevant work experience before starting your master’s degree. To learn more about each fellowship and eligibility requirements, please review the detailed guidelines on our website.

How do I apply?

All international applicants can apply for two eligible courses. Applicants should apply on the online application portal and cannot choose more than two universities for this scholarship. Worldwide applicants should complete the online application form with correct information and submit the required documents to the selected university.

The first step to applying is to download and read our guide, Scholarship Guide. Then answer these three questions: Why do you want to study in Germany? What do you hope to gain from a German education? What are your long-term goals after graduation? Answer these questions as best you can; they will provide a great foundation on which we will build your application. The next step is, naturally, to fill out an application form.

Here are the steps:

  1. DAAD Application Form
  2. Curriculum Vitae
  3. Statement of Purpose
  4. Diplomas, Degree Certificates, and Transcripts
  5. Proof of First Professional Experience
  6. Letter of Recommendation
  7. Proof of English Proficiency
  8. Copy of Your Passport and APPLY NOW

What happens after I apply?

The application process takes some time. After receiving your application, we will ask you to provide more information (such as proof of language proficiency). For example, if English is not your first language and you are applying for a German scholarship, then we will ask you to submit an official English translation of your undergraduate degree certificate.

We may also ask you to translate one or two essays from German into English. Depending on which scholarship or grant program you apply for, there may be additional requirements before making an award decision—for example, requiring an in-person interview at a location near where you live or work. Once all materials have been received and reviewed by our staff, we will begin evaluating your application.

Apply Now and Official Link

In Conclusion

The application process for the Fully-Funded DAAD Helmut Schmidt Scholarship Program, which will begin in fall 2022, is now open. The program provides assistance to eligible German citizens living in East Africa and Southeast Asia who wish to study at a recognized university or research institution in Germany. Successful applicants will receive full funding including an allowance, travel expenses, and tuition fees through one of these six programs: Arts & Culture; Education Policy Studies; Language Learning; Politics & Economics; Science & Technology; Social Development Studies. Scholarships are awarded based on merit as well as hardship factors such as political discrimination or personal hardships arising from natural disasters or military conflicts in home countries.

The application process is now open for fully-funded and highly competitive scholarships to study abroad in Germany from May 7, 2022, through June 30, 2022. Scholarships are available to undergraduate and graduate students currently enrolled at an accredited university in their home country. One hundred twenty full scholarships (90 undergraduates and 30 graduates) will be awarded, as well as a limited number of partial scholarships. Scholars will be chosen based on academic merit and extracurricular activities relevant to intercultural competency. As part of their scholarship agreement, scholars must commit to studying the German language or art/music performance with a native speaker while they are abroad.

However, if there is anything you think we are missing. Don’t hesitate to inform us by dropping your advice in the comment section. Either way, let me know by leaving a comment below!

Read More: You can find more here https://www.poptalkz.com/.

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