July 27, 2024
Farming Jobs in Australia

Today we will talk about Farming Jobs in Australia for Foreigners with Free Visa Sponsorship in 2022. Australia has been the #1 destination for skilled migrants. If you are looking to become an Australian resident then you will want to read this article first! To help you make the most of your skills, here’s a look at the Australian government’s skilled visa categories and what they mean, from the Temporary Skill Shortage (TSS) to Permanent Residency and Citizenship. If you are looking to work in Australia or have relatives that are, read on…

Farming Jobs in Australia

Planning to start your own career as a farmer in Australia? With the right farming job and right visa, you could be living on the Great Southern Land by 2022! Read on to find out what you need to know about starting your own farming job in Australia, and get ready to reap the benefits of working as an Australian farmer for life. First, you’ll need to make sure that you qualify for your free Aussie visa sponsorship from the government that allows foreign workers to live and work in Australia on temporary residence visas.

If you love the outdoor life, the Australian countryside is calling your name with its idyllic climate and wide-open spaces. With its relaxed lifestyle and fresh air, Australia might just be one of the best countries in the world to live in. Plus, being an Aussie farmer has never been easier thanks to free visa sponsorship under the newly introduced Skilled Rural Visa program which will last until 2022. To learn more about how to become an Australian farmer, check out our comprehensive guide below!

Farming Jobs In Australia

Farming jobs are rare but they do exist and you should definitely consider them if you’re interested in working on a farm. Most farms require that you be able to lift heavy objects, such as livestock, so most of these jobs will involve animal husbandry—at least during your first few months of employment. In order to secure a position, you’ll have to apply for an International Work Permit. This can be obtain by providing proof that you can speak English and live in Australia before taking up any work on a farm. Once your permit is approved, it can take six months or more to receive it.

Farming Jobs In Australia Choosing between fruit picking, dairy farming, banana farming, or other seasonal work is a good idea if you’d like to explore the country’s unique agricultural landscape. While dairy farming may dominate the job listings, you’ll be able to find plenty of other opportunities throughout the year. You’ll also find out which seasons are the best for working on a farm. Here are some of the best times of year to apply for a farming job in Australia.

Farming Jobs In Australia with Visa Sponsorship

One of the best ways to make a foreign lifestyle more financially sustainable is to find a job in Australia. And one of the easiest ways to do that is by taking advantage of one of those working visas. In particular, there’s a lot of interest in finding working visa sponsorship as it relates to farming jobs, especially when it’s free.

If you’re looking for work as an agricultural worker. You can get working visa sponsorship on top of free legal advice through some government-sponsored services. But getting started with that is pretty straightforward. You just need to submit an expression of interest form and then wait until you receive your invitation letter from us. Then all you have to do is show up at our office in Sydney and we’ll take care of everything else for you!

How Does the Program Work?

This is a fantastic program that I can speak about from experience because I am currently in it. It’s called Working Holiday Maker (WHM) visa, and it gives foreign nationals aged 18-30 open work rights to travel and work in Australia. The best part is that you don’t need any type of sponsorship or job offer to get one! It also comes with free healthcare and education while you are there. Make sure to apply two years before your desired travel date, as they fill up quickly! Continue Reading 📖 

The 2022 Australian Seasonal Worker Program

The Seasonal Work (subclass 462) visa was introduced to allow Australian employers to temporarily employ non-Australian citizens to fill temporary, non-ongoing vacancies. For most occupations, applicants must obtain a positive skills assessment from a relevant industry body. The program is manage by state and territory governments on behalf of the Department of Home Affairs.

It comes under short-term business visas and allows foreigners who have not lived. Or worked in Australia before to be employed across a range of industries including agriculture, forestry, seafood processing, and construction. All applications are made online on Form 1408 – Application for a Skilled Short-Term Business Visitor 457 Visa.

Pre-Qualification For Farm Work In Australia

To receive free visa sponsorship from our Australian farming jobs agency, you must first be pre-qualified. To begin, we will request your resume and some documentation about your work history; after submitting these documents, a representative from our company will contact you to discuss job opportunities, eligibility requirements, and the next steps. We will not share your information with anyone else without your consent. Most of our clients who are approved for pre-qualification are contacted within 1-2 weeks of submitting their application; if approval takes longer than that, we will keep you updated on when to expect a response.

Working On A Farm In Australia – What Do I Need To Know?

There are many great ways to spend a gap year in Australia. One of them is through working on a farm. However, before you make your move, be sure you’re aware of what exactly you’re getting into. Working on a farm in Australia requires its own skillset, and can take some adjustment from life in modern cities back home.

Registering For The Seasonal Worker Program (SWP)

The Seasonal Worker Program is a visa program that allows workers from overseas to work on Australian farms. The length of stay depends on how long you will be working, but seasonal workers are eligible to work on a farm or in an agricultural-related industry for up to 6 months. You can register through Austrade. If you already have a job lined up, you can apply for a Regional Occupation List (ROL) Work Visa, which lets you bring your family and is valid for four years.

Completing A Nomination Package For Farm Work In Australia

A nomination package is a brief form that you can fill out online. You’ll need to have your own valid passport and be at least 18 years old. There’s no cost to complete one and it will take about 20 minutes to do so. The key benefit of completing a nomination package is that, if your application is successful, you won’t have to undertake an additional assessment against any health or character requirements.

If you are not eligible for a nomination or decide not to use one. Then you will be require to apply directly under one of two other options. Either via skills independent or employer-sponsored streams – both of which require further individual assessment against set criteria before being approved by the Department of Home Affairs.


If you’re an Australian agricultural company looking to employ foreign workers. There are several farm jobs across regional and metropolitan areas that may interest you. To find out more information about getting a working visa sponsored. Fill out our assessment form today and let us connect you with agriculture companies interested in employing your help. Our assessment is 100% free and will take just a few minutes to complete. Plus, if you qualify, we can help sponsor your visa right away through our fast-track process! It doesn’t get any easier than that! Get started now.

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