October 23, 2024
Canadian employers are hiring foreign workers

It’s no secret that more and more Canadians are struggling to find work, especially in the trades and in rural communities, but what may surprise you is how many employers are turning to hire foreign workers to meet their staffing needs. To fill the holes in their workforces left by retiring workers, small and medium-sized companies are increasingly turning to the Temporary Foreign Worker Program (TFWP), which was introduced by the federal government in 2002 to supplement an employer’s workforce on a temporary basis due to labor shortages and immediate skill gaps that cannot be filled with domestic labor resources.

Canadian employers are hiring foreign workers

In 2021, more and more Canadian employers were hiring foreign workers than in previous years. While these roles were often filled by workers from countries like China, India, and the Philippines, there’s been an increase in the number of Canadian citizens accepting positions in their own country through the Temporary Foreign Worker Program or other avenues. Here’s why more Canadian employers are hiring foreign workers and how it could benefit you!

Canadian employers are increasingly hiring foreign workers as the economy improves, and this trend is set to continue in 2022. This has long-term benefits for the Canadian economy, but it also provides some short-term advantages that you can take advantage of if you know how to go about it correctly! Here’s why more Canadian employers are hiring foreign workers in 2022 and how you can benefit from it, too!

How many temporary foreign workers there were in Canada last year

The number of temporary foreign workers (TFWs) authorized to work in Canada exceeded 400,000 for the first time ever last year. In 2021, a total of 403,365 TFWs were working in Canada. This was a 10% increase from 2020, when there were 286,205 TFWs—and well above levels seen before 2015.

The two main countries supplying TFWs to Canada were India (28%) and Mexico (15%). More than half of all TFWs admitted under programs that require labor certification came from these two countries as well. Note: The Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) process is an essential part of ensuring Canadian businesses can hire temporary foreign workers only when Canadians aren’t available for a job opportunity.

The costs of hiring a temporary worker vs. an employee

One of Canada’s many selling points is its proximity to major markets, including the U.S.A., China, and India. If you’re an employer looking to hire skilled employees from overseas, temporary workers from a local agency may be a good fit for your company—particularly if your organization doesn’t have time or resources to commit to training new hires or spending on employee benefits.

This can save you money upfront: temporary employees tend to cost less than permanent ones because they receive fewer hours of pay per week, so there’s less overhead (which includes things like overtime pay). So why aren’t Canadian employers jumping at these opportunities?

How to apply for a Work Permit as a Temporary Foreign Worker

In order to obtain a Work Permit as a Temporary Foreign Worker, you must be eligible under one of Canada’s following categories: Spouse or Common-Law Partner in Canada Class; Foreign National Who is Self-Employed in Canada Class; Caregiver Class; or, Skilled Worker Program. To apply for a Work Permit, there is an application process that must be followed. The first step is to get certified by Human Resources and Skills Development Canada (HRSDC). You can do so by contacting your local Service Canada Centre.

Once certified, you will need to complete a Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) form with your prospective employer. The LMIA form requires information about both yourself and your employer including contact information and detailed job descriptions. Once complete, submit both forms along with other supporting documents such as educational certificates/diplomas/degrees/transcripts, language test results (if applicable), proof of employment references from previous jobs (if applicable), etc., to Citizenship & Immigration Canada (CIC). CIC will review all submitted documentation prior to issuing an approval letter sent directly from CIC to your prospective employer.

Tips for Getting Hired

Having been a business owner, I can personally attest to how hard it is to find good talent. From my experience, I’ve found that your best shot at getting hired is to reach out via LinkedIn directly. Rather than applying through an online form. One of two things will happen: they will write back saying they don’t have any open positions. Or they will ask you a few questions about yourself. And send you over to someone who might be interested in hiring you. If either happens, make sure to call them as soon as possible (or set up a time for a follow-up call) so that you have their full attention.

If they like what they hear, they’ll likely want to talk to you on the phone. This can be nerve-wracking, but a good opportunity to get your foot in the door. If you do get invited for an interview, try not to go crazy on your outfit or worry about being nervous: focus on making a great first impression. Once again, remember that most of these people will have done similar work before so coming across as overconfident won’t score you any points with them. Instead, show them why their company will be lucky to have someone like yourself working for them.

What the future may hold for temporary workers

If Canada’s recent immigration trends continue, as many suspect they will, our ability to find temporary staff may become a severe challenge. With more immigrants arriving each year, competition for good staff will become tougher. And don’t forget that many companies who currently rely on temporary workers are likely to hire permanent employees to reduce their tax burden and save money on benefits. If businesses have no incentive to use temp agencies, demand for quality temp labor is likely to decrease—the perfect recipe for higher wages. The times they are a-changin’. Companies need to start paying attention now if they want to be prepared for what awaits them down the road.

The most successful businesses will be those that find creative ways to recruit and retain quality staff. Whether through cross-training existing employees or investing in new education programs. For example, welding companies have traditionally relied on temporary workers. They have begun offering apprenticeships for high school students interested in learning a trade. These kinds of initiatives can give employers a leg up when competition heats up. Looking ahead, labor shortages—and higher wages as a result—are likely to become even more common than they already are. So while temp agencies might not be around forever. They certainly won’t be going away anytime soon!

In Conclusion

Following each of these steps will give your resume or cover letter a professional edge that will get you noticed. We’ll prepare you to take on any job opportunity. Or interview questions with confidence by writing an outstanding resume, cover letter, or other professional documents. And remember, these are only guidelines – feel free to let your personality shine through. That’s what employers want to see!

Read More: You can find more here https://www.poptalkz.com/.

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