July 27, 2024

Looking for the best student loans for bad credit? Discover expert insights and recommendations for securing affordable education financing, even with less-than-ideal credit history.

Embarking on the journey of higher education with bad credit can seem daunting, but don’t worry. This comprehensive guide reveals the best student loans tailored for individuals facing credit hurdles. From understanding options to securing favorable terms, let’s explore the field of education financing with optimism.

Student loan options

Federal student loan awards do not depend on the borrower’s credit score, but they do come with loan limits. Apply for federal financial aid by completing the FAFSA, the Free Application for Federal Student Aid. The results will tell you if you qualify for loans from the William D. Ford Federal Direct Loan Program, which includes Direct Subsidized Loans, Direct Unsubsidized Loans, Direct PLUS Loans and Direct Consolidation Loans. These four programs account for 80% of federal loans made to college students.

In most cases, students and their parents can create a financing package that includes federal loans, scholarships, and work-study opportunities to meet their financial needs. But federal loans have limits.

Most student loans have three types of limits:

  • Annual maximum related to the student’s year in school. The limit for dependent children (whose parents still claim for tax purposes) starts at $5,500 for the first year, increases to $6,500 in the second year, and then tops out at $7,500 for each subsequent year.
  • An aggregate limit that limits the total amount that can be borrowed during a student’s academic career. In the 2015-2016 academic year, the limit for a direct unsubsidized loan to a student financially dependent on another was $31,000 for a bachelor’s degree.
  • Cost of attendance limit. This principle states that the loan must be less than the school’s cost of attendance for the student minus any scholarship awarded.

Borrowing limits for students who are not declared dependents have a higher total borrowing limit starting at $9,500 and increasing to $10,500 in the second year and a maximum of $10,500 for each subsequent year. These higher limits also apply to students whose parents do not meet certain financial criteria.

Federal loans are subsidized and unsubsidized. The subsidized portion of the loan does not require interest payments until graduation because the government pays the interest while the student is enrolled. The unsubsidized part accrues interest during the loan period, which must be repaid after graduation.

Undergraduate vs. Graduate Student Loans

If you need student loans to attend graduate school and you’ve already taken out loans to get your bachelor’s degree, you’re slightly ahead of the game in understanding the game, but only slightly. There are some significant differences in the application process for federal graduate student loans.

Here are a few worth mentioning.

  • The Department of Education conducts a credit check during the application process, and if they find an adverse credit history, you may be denied a federal loan.
  • Federal loan programs available to graduate students are Direct Unsubsidized Loans and Direct PLUS Loans. Students can borrow up to $20,5000 from the Direct Unsubsidized Loan program. The Direct PLUS program allows students to borrow for the cost of attendance after deducting any other financial aid received. The cost of attendance is determined by the school.
  • If you have bad credit and need a graduate student loan, it helps to find someone with good credit and have them agree to co-sign the loan with you.
  • If there are extenuating circumstances surrounding your credit history and you have documented proof of this, you can have your case reviewed. It is at the DOE’s discretion whether you qualify for a loan.
  • If you use a co-signer or submit an application for a statement of extenuating circumstances, you must agree to undergo credit counseling.
  • If you’re applying for private loans, the same provisions—finding a co-signer with good credit, providing proof of extenuating circumstances—will help your loan application. Some private lenders also don’t make decisions based strictly on your FICO credit score.

Alternative financing strategy

Students who need even more money can consider a peer-to-peer loan through websites that connect them with anonymous lenders. With a private investor, you may be able to negotiate better loan terms that suit your needs. People offering loans do so to help students in need. Be aware that this type of loan can be risky because it is not as secure as a loan from a government or commercial bank.

Students could also consider asking friends for a personal loan. Friends and family members can lend you at least some of what you need. Terms can be more flexible and the lender will usually be willing to work with you because they know you. Even in these cases, however, draw up a contract detailing the agreement and repayment terms.

Do I qualify for privately funded student loans?

Most private lenders use your FICO credit score to determine if you qualify for a loan. Your score tells lenders how likely you are to repay your loan: the higher your score, the easier it is for you to borrow money on favorable terms, including lower interest rates and longer repayment schedules.

Like federal loans, private loans also typically have limits, with most providing a maximum of $75,000 to $120,000 in aggregate borrowing for college students. The limit is the total allowable federal and private student loan debt.

Many students cannot qualify for private loans because they do not have a credit history. The most common solution is to find a cosigner. The cosigner agrees to pay off your loan if you don’t make timely or regular payments. This could be a parent, family member or friend with good credit to cosign. This may not be so easy as the co-signor will be required to repay your loan if you are unable or unwilling to do so yourself.

The alternative is to build your own credit history — or repair the one you’ve already started — before you take out student loans. Credit cards are usually the starting point for this option.

Can I improve my credit score?

If you don’t need a personal loan right away and can delay your loan application for a few months, you can improve your credit score and become a better candidate for a loan. The first thing you should do is request copies of your credit reports. You can request a free copy from Experian, Equifax or TransUnion once every 12 months. Check them and deny any errors. Surveys say that more than 20% of credit reports contain errors. Once the mistakes are cleared, you will see an immediate improvement in your score.

Lowering your overall debt level and having consecutive months of on-time payments will also boost your score. Work on it for a few months to further improve your score.

If you have no credit history at all, it’s still a good idea to check your credit reports. You can then start building good credit by applying for your own line of credit, such as a department store credit card. Or you may want to request to be added to someone else’s account. If someone you know has a line of credit with a good history, you may be able to inherit a positive history by adding it to your account.

All in all, bad credit probably won’t affect your chances of getting financial aid for college, but it’s a good idea to work on improving your score.

Student loans affect credit scores

School loans affect your credit score in ways that may surprise you. Paying off your loan early can lower your credit score. Education loans are repaid in installments and timely payments will help you prove that you are a reliable borrower. If you pay off your loan early and no longer have arrears, you’ll lose evidence that you’re paying on time, and that could lower your score.

Not paying on time will hurt your score. If you’re having trouble making payments, ask for a deferment or forbearance, neither of which will hurt your credit score. When you update your account, your score will improve. Remember, student loans are not payoff debt. Even if you file for bankruptcy, it is extremely unlikely that your student loans will be forgiven, so default is almost never possible.

You can boost your score by paying interest on your student loans while you’re still in school. You also have a six-month grace period after graduation to start making payments, but starting earlier can have a positive impact on your score.

The most important factor with college loans is making sure you don’t default. This can ruin your credit score and stay on your report for seven years.

It makes sense to request a free credit report every year to make sure your student loan payment history is being reported accurately.

Here are Best student loans for bad credit

1. Sallie Mae

Sallie Mae is a prominent figure in the field of private student loans. With a rich history and commitment to supporting students, Sallie Mae provides flexible financing options, competitive interest rates and borrower-friendly terms. Dive into our in-depth exploration of what Sallie Mae offers and learn how it can be your financial ally in education.

2. College Ave

College Ave takes a personalized approach to student loans and understands the uniqueness of each student’s financial situation. Our research covers the customized solutions that College Ave has to offer, making the loan application process seamless and ensuring you have the support you need throughout your academic journey.

3. Serious

Earnest brings innovation to private student loans, emphasizing flexibility and transparency. Learn how Earnest stands out by offering merit-based interest rates and flexible repayment plans. Discover the opportunities that await you when you choose Earnest as your education financing partner.

4. Trustworthy

Credible simplifies the loan comparison process and makes it easy for students to find the best rates. Explore the features that set Credible apart and how it contributes to a seamless lending experience. Dive into our insights into Credible’s user-friendly platform and its role in shaping the private student loan landscape.

5. SoFi

SoFi goes beyond traditional lending and offers a holistic approach to financial health. From career support to exclusive member benefits, find out why SoFi is more than just a lender. Discover the unique features that make SoFi a one-stop solution for students looking for private loans.

6. PNC

PNC is a key player in private student financing, providing a variety of loan options to meet a variety of needs. Dive into our analysis of PNC offers, including interest rates, repayment terms and other benefits that make PNC a remarkable choice for students.

7. Output financing

Ascent Funding focuses on empowering students who may not have a traditional credit history. Learn how Ascent Funding addresses the challenges facing students and provides opportunities for those who are co-signed or independent. Explore Ascent to Higher Education with Ascent Funding.

8. Citizens

Citizens takes pride in making educational dreams come true through their private student loans. Our Citizens section provides an in-depth look at the lender’s commitment to student success, competitive rates and the support it offers throughout the loan lifecycle.


Navigating the world of student loans with bad credit requires diligence and informed decision-making. By exploring various options, understanding interest rates, and leveraging federal and private loans, you can embark on your educational journey confidently. Remember, the right financial strategy can turn your academic aspirations into reality.

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