July 20, 2024
Affiliate Marketing Best Part

However, on this page we are going to teach you, What is Affiliate Marketing?. Affiliate marketing is the process by which an affiliate earns a commission for marketing another person’s or company’s products. Meanwhile, on this process, we can also teach how you can use of Affiliate Marketing during Blogging for Cash. We let you on this page ask questions and get the coolest and true answers on Affiliate Marketing.

Affiliate Marketing Best Part

Affiliate Income. One of the easiest and most common ways to make money blogging, for beginners, is affiliate marketing. You don’t need to have your own products or services. You simply promote other people’s products on your blog, and when someone makes a purchase, you make a commission off it.

Affiliate Marketing A part to Blogging for Cash

If you do not want to run ads on your blog, or you are looking for an additional way to monetize your blog, affiliate marketing is a good way to make money provided you have plenty of readers to market to.

Affiliate marketing does not have to be blatant “hey buy this” advertising, rather bloggers can subtly slip in a review or recommendation for a product and include their affiliate link in their blog.

Affiliate marketing is a fantastic way to earn an income from the comfort of your own home. Just combine a computer with access to the internet, mix with a generous amount of time and patience and add a dash of willingness to learn. But have you ever wondered how affiliate marketing actually came about? Wonder no more with our brief history of affiliate marketing.

If you can find an affiliate product that is relevant to the topic of your blog and you do a good job of slipping it in, you can stand to make some tidy profits.

Affiliate Product

Affiliate marketing generally pays more per sale than you would make per click with other forms of advertising,
but you have to have visitors that both click on your affiliate link and purchase the product.

The best way to make sure readers purchase the affiliate products you market is to pick products your audience will be interested in and that are relevant to your blog. If you blog about outdoor living, chances are no one will respond to your affiliate marketing attempts at selling PSP downloads.

Make sure the product you are trying sell will appeal to your readers and that you can do a good job of including it in your blog without seeming to preachy or desperate. Keep your marketing attempts natural and make sure they fit in with the flow of your blog.

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There are plenty of places to go to find affiliate marketing opportunities. Many websites such as Amazon and eBay have affiliate programs. Your favorite website or company may even have an affiliate program and it can’t hurt to look, especially if they are related to your blog.

You can also find affiliate marketing opportunities on websites that specialize in connecting companies with publishers. The good thing about using one of these websites is that you have a huge list of products to choose form and the website will manage your payments and track your selling statistics. Here is a list of websites you can use to find affiliate marketing opportunities.

brief history of Affiliate Marketing

The concept of affiliate marketing on the Internet was conceived of, put into practice and patented by William J. Tobin, the founder of PC Flowers & Gifts. Launched on the Prodigy Network in 1989, PC Flowers & Gifts remained on the service until 1996.

1. In The Origination

It’s a common misconception that Amazon invented affiliate marketing. Actually, affiliate marketing began in 1989 with a man named William J. Tobin, who holds the proud title of the world’s first internet marketer. The founder of PC Flowers & Gifts, Tobin conceptualized the idea of affiliate marketing and launched his program on the Prodigy Network. This model involved paying the Prodigy network a commission on every sale. By 1993, it was generating more than $6 million dollars yearly for Prodigy. This success encouraged Tobin to patent the idea in 1996, although this wasn’t issued until 2000.

Meanwhile, in 1994, CDNOW launched their BuyWeb program. The idea was that music sites could review albums and link their visitors directly to CDNOW where they could purchase the albums.

2. Then Came Amazon

Amazon were latecomers to the party, arriving in 1996 with their associates program. Although not the first to start an affiliate program, they were the first to attract global interest. Their model involved paying a commission as a percentage of the sold product, and this became the model for many affiliate networks that followed.

In the same year, Johnson and Samuel Gerace established BeFree, and Linkshare.

These were followed in 1998 by Commission Junction, set up by some students from the University of California Santa Barbara and now the world’s biggest affiliate marketing provider, and the Clickbank Network, founded by Tim and Eileen Barber.

These networks, which offered payment solutions and facilitated exchanges between affiliates and merchants, enabled smaller retailers outside of Amazon to get involved with affiliate marketing too.

3. The First Affiliate Directory

With affiliate networks springing up all over the place, in 1997 Refer-it.com was launched by Wayne Marciano. Providing an overview the main affiliate networks to both affiliates and merchants, this became the first Affiliate Program Directory.

This was followed a year later by AssociatePrograms.com, AffiliateGuide.com, ReveNews.com and more, which also shared information and articles alongside affiliate directories.

4. Rules And Regulations

In 2000, the U.S. Federal Trade Commission published guidelines for affiliate marketing in regard to disclosures. The “Dot Com Disclosures: Information about Online Advertising” regulations helped strengthen affiliate marketing’s legitimacy in the world of online marketing.

The legislation was updated in 2008, requiring bloggers to disclose their relationship with the companies they are promoting.

5. The dot.com burst and onwards

The dot.com bubble burst of 2001 spelled significant changes for affiliate marketing. The frenzy of online business ventures that had been built (many on very shaky foundations by blind, inexperienced and unprepared investors) during the commercial rise of the internet (labelled the dot com boom) came crashing down in early 2000 when business fundamentals reasserted themselves, causing technology stocks to lose 60% of their value in just one year and bringing many back down to reality.

Online riches were no longer a sure thing. Internet marketers realized that to succeed in the industry they would need to understand, study and become knowledgeable in their field. Online bookshops began to overflow with affiliate marketing guides and the ‘secrets’ of affiliate marketing were offered to anyone willing to pay for them.

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In 2003, Missy Ward and Shawn Collins founded Affiliate Summit, which aimed to educate those involved with affiliate marketing on the latest industry updates and issues and foster a productive networking environment for affiliate marketers. The first Affiliate Summit was attended by 200 people in New York and is still going strong today.

6. The future of affiliate marketing

By 2006, affiliate networks were reported to be turning in approximately £2.16 billion in the UK alone. With worldwide revenues estimated to have reached $6.5 billion. This revenue came mainly from gambling, travel, personal finance, telecommunications, gaming, retail and lead generation.

By 2012, affiliate marketing represented 6% of the UKs whole online economy and was generating £9 billion in sales, according to a study by the Internet Advisory Bureau (IAB).

Affiliate marketing is wildly popular and continues to offer huge potential, especially with more and more online stores now outperforming their offline counterparts. It’s highly unlikely that consumers will ever stop wanting information and doing research before purchasing a product or service – one of the main reasons why affiliate marketing is still going stronger than ever.

List of Affiliate Marketing Opportunities

Here are list of affiliate marketing opportunities are here for you to choose from on blogging for Cash;

  • Clickbank

The most popular affiliate marketing website, Clickbank offers bloggers a dizzying array of products to market
as an affiliate. All of their products are digital products, such as e-books and reports. You can find things on virtually every product, arranged by category.

So no matter what you blog about, chances are that you can find an affiliate product on Clickbank. Payouts range from a few dollars per sale to fifty dollars or more.

  • Commission Junction

This affiliate website operates in much the same way as Clickbank. Companies add their products to the Commission Junction marketplace and publishers add links to these products in their blogs. Commission junction offers a wider variety of products, however, some require visitors to buy a product for you to get paid and others require visitors to sign up for newsletters or fill out a form.

  • Link Share

Another affiliate website that connects affiliates with products to market. You can pick from a wide variety of products to market on your blog and like Commission Junction, you do not always have to sell something in order to get paid. Sometimes the required action is to get visitors to sign up for a newsletter or fill out a form in order to get paid.

In Conclusion

Why affiliate marketing?

Affiliate marketing can be a great way to make money from your blog. Remember to keep your marketing attempts natural and try not to “sell,” rather rate or inform. Most affiliate websites that connect you with products to market will keep track of your earnings. And statistics which makes them very convenient.

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Therefore, on this page I hope we have been able to convince you guy on what is Affiliate Marketing. And also how you can survive it online, and some steps to follow while on it. Besides, think of the huge pay checks you will be receiving!. READ MORE: If you are still searching for more, we can as well help you out with the best site to follow. In that way you can find more about Affiliate Marketing.

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